Tag Archives: celebrities
Book Review

Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade

Spoiler Alert

I read the first chapter of Spoiler Alert and was sucked into a compulsive reading vortex, becoming annoyed when work or sleep tried to distract me from gobbling up the book. It’s a delightful celebrity romance that treats writing sexy fanfiction as a worthy creative pursuit. It also has a classic falling for your penpal storyline, without the slow burn over correspondence that tends to annoy me. This story of a fanfiction writer who falls … Continue reading Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade

Book Review

Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman by Anne Helen Petersen

Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud

Anne Helen Petersen’s byline on any collection of words means that I’m going to drop what I’m doing immediately to read it. I don’t read a lot of celebrity gossip and culture, but her analyses are fascinating on multiple levels. Not only are they thorough and drawn from a variety of sources, but they attempt to frame one or several layers of meaning around a celebrity’s brand or image, often locating that meaning in a … Continue reading Too Fat, Too Slutty, Too Loud: The Rise and Reign of the Unruly Woman by Anne Helen Petersen

Book Review

Imagines by Anna Todd


Full disclosure, I’m drunk right now. Not like, super drunk, but buzzed. I’m also going through one of those phases where I don’t have the focus to read an entire novel so I was looking for something in the short story category. Hence Imagines. Imagines is a giant-ass book of RPF (real person fic) by a variety of Wattpad authors. I hadn’t read RPF before (it’s like fanfic, but features actual celebrities rather than the … Continue reading Imagines by Anna Todd