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Why do we need this support?
Staying in business in tough! When major media outlets are experiencing a terrible contraction with layoffs, eliminations, and shuttering of entire websites and communities, it affects us, too. As a small but feisty form of independent media, Smart Bitches Trashy Books has a robust community and a long (almost 20 years!) history.
But our costs remain – hosting, tech services and support, paying our staff of reviewers, and publishing new creative items to read and listen to, well, that all costs money. The same contractions that affect major media sites in terms of advertisement and indirect support also affect us. The short answer is: we are small and nimble, but we have costs to maintain operation, and more direct support is needed.
We offer a lot of opportunities for readers to find the books they love, including the BookFinder, Reviews, Hide Your Wallet, and more. We know that joy of finding a book that rocks your world. And we know how hard it is to find readers. We are real people with a real love of books (and podcasting) and we appreciate your time spent with us, and your support of our work!
Thank you so very much.