Covers Gone Wild! (Non-Snoop Dogg Edition)

Cover Snark: Your Trusty Reminder to Schedule a Mammogram

Bulldog by Elise Gedicke. A bald man with a large dark beard. He is wearing a tattered, brown leather jacket with no shirt underneath. The jacket is open, revealing a bunch of chest tattoos. His hands are raised and it looks like he's rubbing his nipples.

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Sara: And this guy – he seems to be enjoying his solo quality nipple time, while still giving us the full on bro chin lift. Sarah: I’m so proud that he found his nipples. Good job, Bulldog! Amanda: A reminder to schedule your mammograms! Sneezy: Anyone else get disappointed when there’s no dog when someone says dog? Like, yay, have fun with your nipples, so happy for you, WHERE … Continue reading Cover Snark: Your Trusty Reminder to Schedule a Mammogram

Contemporary Romance Color of the Year: So Much Blue. So Much.

Contemporary Romance Color of the Year with six swatches in green, peach, fuchsia, lavender, blue and yellow

I’m BACK! It took me awhile to do this last one because, well, you’ll see. But if you’re just arriving here at the mayhem, welcome! I’ve been taking a really thorough look at the Contemporary Romance Colors that are most prevalent on covers this year and attempt to identify what is the CR-COTY, the Contemporary Romance Color of the Year.  We’ve talked about Green.  A LOT of Contemporary Green Romance, and debates about whether something … Continue reading Contemporary Romance Color of the Year: So Much Blue. So Much.

Cover Snark: Vintage Snark!

Doubleday Romance Library anthology from 1977. The side profile of a brunette woman with a large window behind her. Through the window is a scene of rolling green hills and the silhouette of man's face in the blue sky.

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From HeatherS: I want to know why Ted Cruz’s spectral head is creeping on this lady. Nightmare fuel. Sarah: Oh, that’s VERY Creepy. Also, the titles are terrific. Amanda: Oh yeah, that’s Ted Cruz. Sarah: You and Heather agree, indeed it is. Elyse: JUSTICE FOR SNOWFLAKE. Sneezy: *aggressive cat hiss* From Rosemary: Is that a skylight? Sarah: Is that AI or just hellabad attempts at photoshop? Their hands, her arm, … Continue reading Cover Snark: Vintage Snark!

Cover Snark: Best of 2024

NB: This week, we’re taking a look back at some of our favorite and our most popular pieces of writing this year. We’ve got a week of best-of posts to share, with reviews, cover snark, and more. We hope you enjoy revisiting our archives, and most of all, we wish you and yours a wonderful holiday and a happy new year – with all the very best of reading. … Say hello to the top … Continue reading Cover Snark: Best of 2024

Cover Snark: Baby Arsonist Strikes Again!

Up in Smoke by Annabeth Albert. A very orange cover! A smile, scruffy man is holding a baby. There is an image of a flame in the title and it looks like the baby is reaching toward it.

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Wait, What?: I’m not sure what is happening in this cover! She looks like she’s having a…moment…He looks totally annoyed, bro, and they both look like escapees from Saved by the Bell. Sarah: They are from a 1994 JC Penney’s catalog, right? That’s where that image is from? Elyse: I had that outfit in 5th grade. Sneezy: The circle of life, eh? I wonder which of them is the … Continue reading Cover Snark: Baby Arsonist Strikes Again!

Cover Snark: A Possible Bathroom Emergency

One is Never Enough by Kali Noir. A very red cover. There's just a headless and shirtless man, but he's positioned upside down, as if he's lying on his back and lifting his hips up at an angle. He appears to be struggling to pull his pants off.

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Jen: Maybe it’s me but this head does not look natural on this body. Sarah: Definitely not the head that body came with. Also, is that the dude from Downton Abbey? Elyse: Looks like Sebastian Stan to me. Maya: It looks like BBL Spaceman had one too many surgeries. … I think we need some input from all of you!     Sneezy: Why is his left hand in … Continue reading Cover Snark: A Possible Bathroom Emergency

Cover Snark: Yet Another Terrible Wolf Placement

Wolf Instinct by S.R. Griffith. A shirtless man is putting on a camo colored baseball camp. A white wolf his howling at his crotch while full moon rises in the background.

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Mabry: This guy is suffering from sliding bicep syndrome, plus his forearm seems to be stolen from a 7 foot tall basketball player. And then there’s the nipple that’s trying to leave the scene altogether. He also looks like one of the Property Brothers. Sarah: Ok the proportions and perspective here are really weird to the point I feel like I should give everyone a warning. Like, uncanny valley … Continue reading Cover Snark: Yet Another Terrible Wolf Placement

Cover Snark: Reptiles are an Unintentional Theme

Wed to the Alien Warlord by January Bell. A headless and shirtless green, well-abbed man with scales. He has long, green hair and a leather strap across his chest. The title is in bright red and orange.

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Rachael: I have so many questions: Does she not want him to save her from what looks to be an alligator? Is that alligator okay? His hips seem off. Should his gun be that close to the water? Why are they casually having a moment in this clearly dangerous water??!! Did they keep their shoes on? Sarah: She’s a shifter. So is the gator. That’s her brother and she … Continue reading Cover Snark: Reptiles are an Unintentional Theme

Cover Snark: Glowing Boots – What Do They Mean?

The Halloween Haunting by Cate Lawley. An illustrated cover. A woman with dark hair in a blue dress with white polka dotes is holding a bunch of spinach. She has red lips and fangs. A bloodhound dog is peeking out behind her. On the left side is the image of house and on the right side is a headstone with glowing blue boots stomping around.

Welcome back to Cover Snark! From Shirley: At first glance the proportions of the cover warrior looked all wrong, shoulders too much and abs to waist too little. Sarah: That looks like a barber’s drape cut into a wee caplet. Did he rip off the barber shop? Amanda: It’s a Peter Pan collar for exotic dancers. Sarah: Also, another abdomen is looking at me. This one seems rather unimpressed. Elyse: I can’t make visual sense … Continue reading Cover Snark: Glowing Boots – What Do They Mean?

Contemporary Romance Color of the Year: Are Those Flags?

Contemporary Romance Color of the Year with six swatches in green, peach, fuchsia, lavender, blue and yellow

Ok, I have two or three more colors for this series, but I need to take a little side trip this week. I noticed something that I just had to share with you while gathering covers over the past few months. Now, if you’re just arriving here at the mayhem, welcome! I’m taking really good look at the Contemporary Romance Colors that are most prevalent on covers this year and attempt to identify what is … Continue reading Contemporary Romance Color of the Year: Are Those Flags?

Cover Snark: Whistling Bellybuttons

Featured image for Cover Snark: Whistling Bellybuttons

Welcome back to Cover Snark! Elyse: Did they just glue someone else’s head onto this body ? Tara: I’d need a drink, too, if that happened to me. Sarah: “And you may ask yourself, how did I get here?” Sneezy: Remember when Roman men used to sculptures of their heads on top of whichever sculpture of young, buff, homoerotic bodies that took their fancy? Well, they at least got the same lighting? From Emily: All … Continue reading Cover Snark: Whistling Bellybuttons

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