Subscribe and You Won’t Miss a Day of SBTB

You won't miss any Reviews Books on Sale Help a Bitch Out Cover Snark Giveaways Rec Leagues Fun and Mayhem if you join the SBTB Daily NewsletterI know inboxes can be wily places full of sale temptations and fun memes, and I also know that sometimes you don’t have time to go out onto the wonderful wild internet to check out all your favorite things. So!

I wanted to make sure you know about the SBTB Daily Digest – our once-a-day (hence: daily) newsletter that emails the newest content every day (see? daily!) around 12pm ET.

I set up the SBTB Daily so that you receive the newest content, and you get the entire post – no excerpts. You get the whole thing – which is contrary to a LOT of advice about RSS newsletters, let me tell you. The theory, I believe, is that a newsletter should drive traffic back to the site, so an excerpt should tempt readers to head over to the HQ for the rest of the mayhem.

Now, I do like when you visit, and I love that our traffic increases month-to-month (that helps keep us in business), but I also want subscribers to, you know, get the SBTB content they’re looking for. So if you subscribe, you get the entirety of our newest content, including that day’s Books on Sale.

Alas, the comments are not included. Whoa, think of how mammoth that email would be. It would make its own sound when it arrived! (Now I’m pondering what sound that might be). So if you want to talk with folks, add your opinion, discuss a review or post, solve a HaBO, or generally type words, you have to swing on by the Hot Pink Palace. Don’t worry – we’ll be here waiting.

If you’d like to make sure you don’t miss a review, a cover snark, a Help a Bitch Out, Rec Leagues, giveaways or any of the other silliness and critical discussion around here, you can sign up for the SBTB Daily Digest right here.

You are invited - Join the SBTB Daily Newsletter! At the bottom is a small international border envelope with a picture of the Ladies inside


General Bitching...

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  1. Paullette Gaudet says:

    Hi, I have been happily subscribed for a few years, but have not received the email newsletter the past couple days. Tried to resubscribe to see if that was the issue, but came up as “already subscribed.” Please let me know how to fix this, this newsletter is always the highlight of my morning! Thank you!

  2. SB Sarah says:

    Yikes! I’ll take a look right away! Thank you for the heads up!

  3. MaryK says:

    I have an issue that’s slightly related to this post. When I comment on a post I usually “subscribe to comments” so I don’t miss anything. Recently, the formatting in the comment emails has changed and they’re harder to read. The html codes are now visible within the text of the email. Could you look into that and see if it’s fixable? I could paste a sample here if it won’t make my comment go into spam.

  4. Stefanie Magura says:

    @Paullette Gaudet:

    I initially read your name as Paulette Goddard, and she’s an actress I like from the 1930’s and 1940’s. I hope that’s a compliment. Lol.

    I am subscribed to the listing for blog posts but not comments. I think comments would clog my inbox, but I’ll think about it. I was thinking about cutting back on the newsletters I receive and since I check your website at least twice a week I might keep you on the list.

  5. SB Sarah says:

    @MaryK: Good grief! Can you please forward me an example? sarah AT smart bitches trashy books DOT com – I’ll get right on it. I’m sorry about that!

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