Tag Archives: villains

Links: Villainess, Badminton, & Fashion!

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

It’s Wednesday Links time! Is it lunch time? Are you eating and reading at your desk? Is it time to go home yet? … This following article was sent to my by one of my friends and I promptly shared it everywhere because it’s awesome – “In Defense of Villainesses” from the Tor.com blog: We love her and we hate her in equal measure. We feel that way because she revels in being all the things … Continue reading Links: Villainess, Badminton, & Fashion!

Redeeming the Villain: What’s it Take?

Featured image for Redeeming the Villain: What’s it Take?

I’ve never been a big fan of the bad boy or the alpha type, but as I wrote in “We Love Villains: The Strange Appeal of Jareth From Labyrinth,” I love a downright thorough villain. Sometimes these villains redeem themselves through deeds and truly excellent grovel. They become a good guy romantic hero (and, as a bonus, they usually get to keep the bad boy fashion choices and the terrifying motorcycle/dangerous stallion no one else … Continue reading Redeeming the Villain: What’s it Take?

Book Review

Vixens, Vamps, and Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics by Mike Madrid

Vixens, Vamps, & Vipers

Mike Madrid is an author who has written several books (all of which are on my TBR) about women in Golden Age Comics. Let me tell you, there were a lot of Smart Bitches in those early comics, and this particular book, about Golden Age villainesses, tells you all about them. The Golden Age of Comics doesn’t have definitive beginning and ending dates, but it more or less began in 1938 when Superman made his … Continue reading Vixens, Vamps, and Vipers: Lost Villainesses of Golden Age Comics by Mike Madrid