Tag Archives: steampunk
Book Review

The Devious Dr. Jekyll by Viola Carr

The Devious Dr. Jekyll

SW: This review is from Lara, who so loved The Diabolical Miss Hyde, she couldn’t wait to read the sequel. Because she discovered the series here (yay!) she asked to guest review The Devious Dr. Jekyll for us. Welcome, Lara! After reading Elyse’s review of the first book in Viola Carr’s Electric Empire series, I broke my no-impulse-buying rule and bought The Diabolical Miss Hyde. I loved it. LOVED IT! I soon began a countdown to the … Continue reading The Devious Dr. Jekyll by Viola Carr

Book Review

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage by Sidney Padua

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage

Steampunk fans, nerds, comic book fans, and history fans rejoice, for all these things come gloriously together in The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage. Author Sidney Padua combines a non-fiction comic, a fiction comic, and non-fiction prose for your delight and edification. Here’s the deal: The first section of the book tells the real-life story of Victorian Mad Scientists Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace (commonly referred to as history’s first computer designer and computer … Continue reading The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage by Sidney Padua

Books On Sale

M/M Romance, Humor, YA Steampunk, & More

Books on Sale: In His Command by Rie Warren & More

In His Command by Rie Warren is $1.99! This is a M/M dystopian romance and is the first book in the Don’t Tell series. It also seems to have a bit of a bodyguard plot and I know that’s some heavy catnip! Some readers felt the post-apocalyptic setting was a little too dark and depressing at times, but many really enjoy the two heroes. In GoodReads reviews, the term “alpha males” is thrown around a lot. It has a 3.5-star rating on GR.

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Book Review

Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster

Kiss of Steel

So full disclosure: I was PMSing bad when I read Kiss of Steel and I was riding the Feels train pretty damn hard (also to the dude who stumbled here by mistake looking for a book review and got an update on my menstrual cycle–Welcome to the Bitchery. Yeah, we talk about periods but there are cookies. And orca sex reviews) so some of my thoughts on this book might be due to highly amplified … Continue reading Kiss of Steel by Bec McMaster

Book Review

Speakeasy Dead by Vicky Loebel

Speakeasy Dead

Speakeasy Dead is being marketed as a romantic comedy. It has all the ingredients to be a great screwball 1920’s comedy, including bootleggers, movie stars, fabulous clothes, and zombies. Unfortunately, the characters aren’t very sympathetic or interesting, and the romance is almost non-existent. It’s a fairly entertaining light read, but not terribly engrossing and certainly not romantic. Screwball comedies thrive on complication, and one thing this book does very well is create a classic plot … Continue reading Speakeasy Dead by Vicky Loebel

Books On Sale

YA from Carriger, Han, & More

Books on Sale: Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger & More

RECOMMENDED: Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger by $1.99! This is the first book in the Finishing School series, which both Carrie and I highly recommend. This is young adult with a steampunk historical setting. And would you look at that cover. Readers loved the creative, whimsical setting, though some expressed difficulty in reading a lot at one time. They had to take breaks every few chapters because of the overwhelming twee-ness. The book has a 3.7-star rating on GoodReads and, if you’re looking to binge read the series, the next two books are also on sale for $1.99. Curtsies & Conspiracies ( A | K | G | AB ) and Waistcoats & Weaponry ( A | K | G | AB | Au ).



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Book Review

The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr

The Diabolical Miss Hyde

I recently started reading steampunk, and I’m so glad I did because I found The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr. This book is part steampunk, part fantasy, part romance and part mystery, but all of it is delicious. The titular character is the daughter of the famous and now deceased Henry Jekyll. Like her father, Eliza Jekyll harbors a secret shadow-self, Lizzie Hyde. Eliza is proper and straight laced, a doctor who tends to the … Continue reading The Diabolical Miss Hyde by Viola Carr

Books On Sale

Books on Sale: Fantasy, Paranormal, & Scifi

Books on Sale: The Mark of the Tala by Jeffe Kennedy & More

The Mark of the Tala by Jeffe Kennedy is $2.99! This is the first book in the Twelve Kingdoms fantasy trilogy, which focuses on three sisters, each very different in their personalities. Readers loved the bond between the sisters, though found the pacing to be off at times. In my experience, fantasy pacing can be tricky because of all the world-building the author has to do. It has a 3.8-star rating on GR.

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