Tag Archives: moar feminist propaganda please now
Book Review

Winter by Marissa Meyer


Well, it’s been a long road involving five books, but with the latest installment, Winter, The Lunar Chronicles has come to a bloody yet satisfying conclusion. There’s at least one more book on the way, Stars Above, which will be a collection of short stories, but in Winter the main narrative of the series is wrapped up with lots of action, a startling amount of gore, and happy endings for most of the main characters. … Continue reading Winter by Marissa Meyer

Book Review

Bitch Planet by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro

Bitch Planet Volume 1

I just read Bitch Planet: Extraordinary Machine and now I want to run through the mall shrieking, “NON-COMPLIANT! NON-COMPLIANT!” at the top of my lungs. This comic is a huge rush and I adored it. I love comics, but I prefer to binge them rather than read one issue at a time, so I’m a little late to the Bitch Planet party (I was waiting for the first collected volume, which came out in October). … Continue reading Bitch Planet by Kelly Sue DeConnick and Valentine De Landro

Book Review

Lumberjanes by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, and N.D. Stevenson

Lumberjanes Vol. 1

Lumberjanes is one of those comics that everyone says I should read. Well, I got my hands on Volume One, and then I bought every other issue I could snag at the time (I made it through Issue #17) and I can officially say that all those people are right – you should read Lumberjanes, not because it is feminist and LGBT positive (although that’s awesome), but because it is so much fun. Lumberjanes is about … Continue reading Lumberjanes by Shannon Watters, Grace Ellis, and N.D. Stevenson

Other Media Review

Movie Review: Mad Max Fury Road

Movie Review: Mad Max Fury Road

RedheadedGirl and I saw Mad Max Fury Road and now we are all ready to storm the barricades of patriarchy with improbable vehicles. The plot of Fury Road is incredibly simple:  In a post-apocalyptic wasteland where water and gasoline are scarce and warlords rule, a woman named Imperator Furiosa, played by Charlize Theron, rescues the five “wives” of warlord Immortan Joe. In the course of their escape, they team up with Mad Max, who is … Continue reading Movie Review: Mad Max Fury Road