Don’t Tempt Me by Loretta Chase is $1.99! This is a historical romance, which Candy reviewed waaaay back in 2009. She gave it a B:
I think I can sum up the problems with this book thusly: it needed about 40 more pages, or about 20,000 more words. The book was tasty, but it was insubstantial, and it killed me that it could’ve been so much more—could’ve been GREAT, in fact, one of Chase’s best; as good as her best work so far, or even better. It could’ve been Chanel No. 5, and it ended up being yet another cheap body splash.
However, in Which One First post, Reader Ellielu advises against the book:
The writing felt hurried, the heroine made me cringe, and the married-to-a-sultan-but-still-conveniently-a-virgin-with-ridiculous-amounts-of-theoretical-knowledge-about-sex trope required more disbelief than I was willing to suspend.
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