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HaBO: Mistaken Identity Rendezvous on a Couch

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This HaBO request comes from Hannah and she’s looking for this historical based on an excerpt she read:

I never read actually read this book, just an excerpt from the first chapter. It was one of those previews for coming books, and it was in the back of a book I checked out from the library a couple of years ago. It was an ebook, and it could have been published any time in the last 20 years.

I remember that it’s a historical, probably Regency. The heroine is part of a semi -scandalous group of siblings, and they’re at a ball where a fancy new duke (marquis? I don’t quite remember) is supposed to make an appearance. She slips off to the library, and gets mistaken for this mystery guy’s assignation partner. She starts to tell him he’s got the wrong girl, and then decides to just go with it and have sex on the couch with a random stranger. Like one does. After he leaves the room, she goes back to her sister, and I think realizes that the sexy stranger is the fancy duke.

The excerpt ends there, and I’ve been curious since to see how this works out for her. I wrote down the title, but have lost it.

Sounds like the heroine made quite the first impression.


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  1. Natalie says:

    I have no idea what this book is, but I totally want to read it.

  2. MegS says:

    This sounds like it might be one of Sarah MacLean’s Scandolous S sisters…

  3. Nancy says:

    Is this one of the Stephanie Laurens Cynster books? Darn it I can’t recall what any of them called right now…

  4. Meredith says:

    This sounds like “The Duke’s Night of Sin” by kathryn Caskie. It was a series with seven siblings, one for each of the seven deadly sins.

  5. Betsydub says:

    My immediate thought was one from Kathryn Caskie’s “Seven Deadly Sins” series. There were seven Sinclair brothers and sisters “sent down” from Scotland, but I can’t remember which sister (pretty sure it was one of them) did the deed on the couch. I remember waiting impatiently for the series to finish, and eventually came across the sad news that Caskie had passed away.
    Does anyone know which book it was?

  6. RaccoonMama says:

    Looks like it’s “The Duke’s Night of Sin”, if it’s a Kathryn Caskie!

  7. kkw says:

    Oh hell, I definitely read that. I have no further information, sorry, sad face, but can at least confirm this book exists.

  8. Lucy says:

    It sounds awfully like The Scarlet Pimpernel, though the trysting in that is only implied/a cover for espionage (I have always lamented that series’ lack of, ahem, exploration of Marguerite and Percy’s sex life, which is implied to be fascinating.)

  9. Elinor Aspen says:

    It has some similarity to Miranda Neville’s Confessions from an Arranged Marriage. The heroine was from a shabby-genteel family with very eccentric parents. The hero was a duke’s heir and notorious rake. Heroine retired to the library to nurse a migraine (with a dark cloth over her face IIRC). Duke’s heir mistook her for someone else and was caught with his head under her skirt, so they had to get married. They did not actually have sex, but promotional excerpts are sometimes edited in misleading ways.

  10. Dora Benet says:

    Historical fiction requires a difficult treatment. I had one reader contact me directly on Goodreads saying she wanted to read my book but that they rejected her, which was interesting to hear about the “behind the scenes.” I sent a MOBI to her, and she reviewed it pretty quickly, so I count that as a win.

  11. Hannah says:

    I read a sample of The Duke’s Night of Sin, and I think that’s it! Thank you guys for your help!

  12. denise says:

    I am so glad you solved it! I read the same sample at the end of another historical romance and have always wondered about the story.

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