Samantha Graves said it best: RWA is four days of interoverts acting like extroverts, and we’re all exhausted.
Amen to that. Let’s go home!
Samantha Graves said it best: RWA is four days of interoverts acting like extroverts, and we’re all exhausted.
Amen to that. Let’s go home!
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I’m exhausted just reading these posts! Call me an isolationist biddy (you’d be right, by the way), but if I had to don my Best Manners and Professional, Schmoozy Happy Face and Whoop-dee-doo Bar Persona with that many freakin’ people for that length of time, I’d be tempted to hitch-hike home just avoid, like, bombing the airport.
Glad y’all had fun, though. (?????)
I’m so used to forcing myself into extroversion that I do it automatically now. Still a spaz, though.
Pictures coming soon!