Tag Archives: so gothic I bleed black and red
Other Media Review

Movie Review: The Circle

the circle movie poster

Carrie and Elyse went to a panel on the Gothic Resurgence at RT, and afterwards, Carrie described this movie as “kinda Gothic!” and I thought “Hm, let’s do a science.” Reader, READER, it’s sort of yes but also a bunch of other things and mostly this movie is just a lot of wasted potential and also Emma Watson’s eyebrow acting. Emma Watson is Mae, a girl from a lower class (working? Blue collar? lower middle … Continue reading Movie Review: The Circle

Other Media Review

Movie Review: Crimson Peak

Crimson Peak - Mia in a white grown stained red running from the house

Redheadedgirl and Amanda saw Crimson Peak, as did I (but on the other side of the country). For RHG and I, Crimson Peak is pure crack. It has gothic romance. It has stunning costumes. It has my imaginary movie star boyfriend, Tom Hiddelston, making puppy eyes at everything that moves, and Jessica Chastain looking daggers at everyone and it’s basically everything we love in life.  It’s hard to describe the plot without getting into spoilers, … Continue reading Movie Review: Crimson Peak