When I first told Sarah I wanted to review The Heiress Gets a Duke, her response was, “But that’s a historical romance.” Yes, correct. Spot on. And, having worked with her for nearly a decade now (whoa!) it’s a fair point. I’ve been open about my aversion to historical romances. It’s not for any personal reasons, but often the tone isn’t for me and I overindulged when I first started in the genre. It’s rare … Continue reading The Heiress Gets a Duke by Harper St. George →
Heiress Gone Wild is the fourth book in the Lady Truelove series. It stands alone – I have read the first book in the series, but not the others, and while characters from the previous books make appearances in the book, you certainly don’t need to know their stories to read this one. The story starts when Jonathan Deverill goes to collect his new ward, the daughter of an old friend, from her school in … Continue reading Heiress Gone Wild by Laura Lee Guhrke →
Look to the Stars was exactly the book I needed to read at exactly the right moment I needed to read it. Lately my brain has been in over-drive, catastrophizing and just generally keeping me from sleeping soundly. Look to the Stars was the perfect Regency novella to reset my mind – it’s light on conflict, although the conflict is still there, and I loved the main characters. It’s more a short chronicling of a … Continue reading Look to the Stars by Olivia Kelly →
I have made no secret about my love for home renovation shows. It’s all part of the wish fufillment genre of a home I’ll never be able to afford to own and to fix it up in a way I’ll never be able to afford to do. (Unless I fall madly in love with a dude with a crumbling estate that needs someone to organize the renovation, in which case I AM READY FOR THAT TASK.) … Continue reading A Duchess in Name by Amanda Weaver →