Get this – I’m part of Virgin Night tomorrow, 16 April, at the In the Flesh Erotic Reading Series. I will have to work extra hard to hide my stretch marks that reveal I am Most Definitely Not a Virgin. And keep the kids at home. That’s ok – more cupcakes for me!
Just kidding – Virgin Night is for first-time authors/readers, and I’ll be appearing with Jenny Block, who will be reading from Open: Love, Sex, and Life in an Open Marriage, Kyria Abrahams, Emily Farris, Megan Hart, Gideon Levy, Sinclair Sexsmith, and Nicolette Dixon.
All the fun starts at 8:00 pm at the Happy Ending Lounge, 302 Broome Street (B/D to Grand, J/M/Z to Bowery, F to Delancey or F/V to 2nd Avenue). Admission is free, cheezy bread, free! Rumor has it my mother in law might be attending. That alone may be worth the trip, right? (Oy gevalt.)
Hey, Sarah’s going to be on the radio in about 15 minutes (9:30 CDT)
Go to and click on Listen Online.