Genre: Art
Book Review

Comics and Sequential Art by Will Eisner

Comics and Sequential Art

Back in November 2015, I reviewed Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. At the time, a lot of people suggested that I read Comics and Sequential Art by Will Eisner, and I’m so glad they did. Understanding Comics is a wonderful Comics 101 course and Comics and Sequential Art kicks it up to the next level. Comics and Sequential Art presumes that the reader has a working definition of what a comic is and that the reader has … Continue reading Comics and Sequential Art by Will Eisner

Book Review

Ladies of Literature: Volume 2 by Arielle Jovellanos and Janet Sung

Ladies of Literature: Volume 2

Ladies of Literature Vol. 2 is the product of a Kickstarter I backed. I cannot remember how I came across this awesome project, but I’m pretty sure it was some perfect storm of social media. LoL (love that acronym) is a gorgeously illustrated anthology of female authors and characters from over a hundred talented artists. I’m all for supporting kickass, creative individuals who want to celebrate their love of literature, especially the female characters who’ve inspired … Continue reading Ladies of Literature: Volume 2 by Arielle Jovellanos and Janet Sung

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