Elyse Watches The Bachelorette–S21 E1: Picasso

Elyse Watches The Bachelorette with Kraken Rum and Coke with a big rose at the bottomThe Bachelorette is here for it’s 21st season (why? how?) and I’m here to recap it, but I’m not alone.

I’d like to introduce you to my handsome foster cat, Picasso. Picasso is chilling with us while he looks for his forever home, and he’s uniquely qualified to assess this season.

Picasso is a big, sweet, kinda dumb bro. Think Joey from Friends.

He’s got a giant head and he looks like a baby bobcat. He was a stray and he came in unfixed with a giant set of balls and half our kittens this year look like him.


Picasso is literally the best cat ever. He’s the chillest cat I’ve ever met, loves everyone upon meeting them, loves other cats, and does big purrs and headbonks. He does have to be on an allergy diet which is why he’s fostering with us versus hanging out at the cage-free rescue.

He feels that he can properly judge the “bro-ness” of this year’s pack of contestants.

A big handsome tabby boy

We open up with a cut of Jenn Tran, this season’s Bachelorette, telling someone tearfully  she can’t let them propose to her. For a moment I am super confused until I realize this is from the finale.

Jenn is a medical student and says that she’s “waited her whole life” (she’s 26) to find love. She’s also the first Asian Bachelorette.

Jenn poses for the camera

We start the Parade of Limos. This year we’ve moved from the McMansion to the Hummingbird’s Rest Ranch.

A new location?! Holy crap, did the Axe Body spray that’s seeped into the walls finally reach toxic levels?

Picasso lets me know what his first introduction strategy would be. The belly rub.

Picasso lays on his back and shows off his amazing tummy (and junk)

Picasso: First you flop over like this see? See this? So she can see your tummy spots and also your balls. And this is the important part, gotta let her rub the tummy. No bunny-kicks or biting. Gotta let her rub the belly.

Picasso actually loves belly rubs more than any cat I’ve ever met. Like full on the way you’d rub a dog’s tummy. He’s a total ham. I love him.

Anyway back to the show.

Sam introduces himself as a virgin, then clarifies he’s a “love virgin” and has never been in love. He also curls his eyelashes.

Gross. I hate him already.

click for me

a cat looks annoyed

Brendan eats a hot pepper when he walks out of the limo.

“So we like to torture ourselves, that’s what I’m picking up,” Jenn says.

Nobody use the bathroom after him.

He asks for water.

Rich: Shouldn’t that be milk?

Nope. Water for him.

Sam is listed a “pet portrait entrepreneur.”

The guys this season are SO SHINY. Nobody wants a shiny dude. They want a fluffy dude.

Picasso has a sweet fluffy face

Then they wheel some dude on a gurney. He says he’s “lovesick.” He’s wearing a hospital gown and shows her his bare butt.

Brett stands out because he’s larger, more of a dad-bod than the usual type.

Brett sits next to Jenn

Honestly I love this so much and I wish there was more body diversity on this show. Brett is way more my type–I like a man who looks like he would be an excellent cuddler.

Jenn comments that one of the contestants, Devon, gives her a “Pete Davidson” vibe. Given how much time they spend with him on camera, he’s gonna stick around for awhile.

A man has a shitton of balloons strapped to him

Then we meet Hakeem who, for reasons, straps a shitton of balloons to himself.

Hands down the most satisfying part of this episode is the balloons popping as he gets stuck in places. He barely makes it in the door.

At one point he gets struck in a tree.

Picasso: Oh, okay, that happened to me once too! You gotta just jump down, Hakeem. It’s real scary, but you gotta do that.

Sam M is “stoked” and is looking for a “reckless” and “ferocious” love.

Picasso: No! No be ferocious! Be cuddly. With belly. 

Thomas N connects with Jenn because their both children of Vietnamese immigrants.

The dude in the hospital gown goes up to the buffet (apparently they do let these guys eat to soak up the liquor?) and they have to put a rose sticker over his naked ass.

One of the guys puts together a group game of Truth or Dare and I can literally not imagine anything worse. I hate ice breakers so much I have a visceral reaction to them.

So then Jeremy shows Jenn his super fancy expensive car, and then Brian steals his key from inside (I guess) and shows up and does the whole “Can I steal her for a second” thing and keeps unlocking and locking the car to be obnoxious. He tells Jeremy, “She’s got too much horsepower for you, bro.”

Picasso and I: Gross.

The First Impression rose goes to Sam M, and they kiss.

Randomly, it’s fully light out now and  we haven’t gotten to the Dreaded Rose Ceremony yet. This must have been the longest night ever.

Then we finally do get the rose ceremony–or at least the guys are assembling for it while Jenna and Sam M make out. Jenn calls their kiss “feral.”

IDK, feral, reckless and ferocious sound like a precursor to an ER visit, not a romance.

During The Dreaded Rose Ceremony, Jenn sends home Brett (boo!),  Brendan, Kevin, Dakota, Matt, Moze and Ricky.

That’s it. Are you watching?

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  1. Jodi says:

    What on *earth* is a “pet portrait entrepreneur”?

    I thought that Brett looked very sweet(photo only, I just read Elyse’s recaps)…and semi-normal. Bad on Jenn for sending him home!

  2. Kris Bock says:

    I’m guessing they digitally put a sticker over the bare butt, but I’m imagining some poor PA running on set and slapping a giant sticker on the guy.

  3. Escapeologist says:

    Aww what a sweet boy! The cat, not anyone on the show, idk I didn’t watch it.

    Some of these guys’ gimmicky entrances put me in mind of Eurovision song contest, where being memorable is more important than any other quality. Eurovision also featured male bare butts this year, from multiple contestants.

  4. Karen D says:

    I heart Picasso! Totally trust his judgment too.

  5. DeborahT says:

    Picasso does look like a baby bobcat! We’ve got some adorable bobcat kits in my neighbourhood and he’d fit right in. I love that he genuinely loves belly rubs. With my kitties, when they expose their bellies, it’s a trap!

    I’ve wrong-reasons-watched the Bachelor franchise since maybe the 4th season, but this episode is sitting on my PVR and I haven’t had any interest in watching it. Probably because Jenn was really dull on the Bachelor. I have a feeling this might be the end of my relationship with the show. I do not accept this rose.

    But I’ll be reading!

  6. Anony Miss says:

    Elyse so glad you’re back! When you didn’t review the Golden Bachelorette I was worried this commentary series was over for good (understandable, from a liver health perspective). Happy to have you here!

  7. DebH says:

    I have never watched The Bachelor(ette) but I read your recaps with great glee!

    I am already in love with Picasso. We have two big, not-too-brilliant, friendly boy kitties in residence. They’re the best. When I was very ill this winter, they proved to be excellent nurses, too. I think Picasso would fit right in here. (I’m in CA, tho, so I guess he’ll have to continue to hang with you and yours.)

    ps: for those who enjoy horror or horror/comedy movies, please check out “The Final Rose” on Tubi. (It’s a free app/free to watch) The whole thing takes place during a season of a Bachelor-type show. Very entertaining!

  8. Alli says:

    In the previews, one of the guys brought 2 black lab puppies for her to snuggle. Did that not happen tonight or was it just too normal to get mentioned?

  9. Karen Lauterwasser says:

    True confession: I watch almost no television anyway.

    I have no need to watch this, since you are providing a public service of witty commentary and charming cat photos/comments.

    “Who could ask for anything more?”

  10. Gail says:

    Yay, you’re back! And you have a new cat co-host. And Rich does a cameo. I couldn’t be happier!

  11. Sandra says:

    Yea! new co-host. It seems like un-neutered stray toms are the most chill cats ever. They have nothing to prove and they know it. We had one who adopted us who was just like that. Great big ginger tom, all head, no neck, intimidating to look at, but the sweetest, most laid-back cat in the world. One of the kittens we just rescued looks just like him, and is probably his many-times great grandson.

  12. Amanda L. says:

    As the Mama of a cat who is *obsessed* with belly rubs, I would definitely give Picasso the first impression rose!
    And of course, they’re letting the guys eat, because lord knows you can’t let them go hungry. Otherwise, they’ll get whiney and cranky and start crying for their moms

  13. Katie says:

    Yay! Elyse is back with recaps and kitty cats!

    I don’t watch buy always enjoy the posts.

    Thought I would share this video made *years* ago when the guys at Wong Fu made an “Asian Bachelorette” comedy video as wishful thinking, and it’s finally happening!

  14. KM says:

    Ohhhhh I’ve missed these so much

    I can’t explain why but this line has me particularly in stitches: “Then we meet Hakeem who, for reasons, straps a shitton of balloons to himself.”

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