Help A Bitch Out - SOLVED!

HaBO: Hero & Heroine Meet at a Reservation Event

You did it! We figured this one out! It is a truth universally acknowledged (by me for certain) that the Bitchery pretty much knows everything, and really, it's true. Scroll down to see the solution for this HaBO - and many thanks!

This HaBO is from Lucy, who searched her entire Kindle for this romance with no luck:

I’ve been through my entire Kindle backlog with no success in finding this book, so I’m not certain I even owned it. I know I didn’t get far into the book, so what I do remember is not very Google-able. I don’t know when it was published, but I have a feeling it was definitely within the last ten years.

What I remember from it was that the heroine arrives in a town (near to a reservation, I presume) and is there for a specific reason, like a new job or something. There is some event going on. I think one which is specifically Native American, and there are a group of (I think all male) people performing a traditional Native American dance for a crowd of onlookers. One of the men has a very strong presence and sense of authority about him and she is drawn to him, but intimidated by the way he keeps looking over at her without attempting to hide his interest and by his apparent self-assuredness.

I seem to remember that despite his interest, he is standoffish towards her as though he doesn’t trust her.

I know that’s not much to go on, but there is no power greater than the power of the Bitchery.

Do you recognize this one?


Help a Bitch Out

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  1. cayenne says:

    This has a Diana Palmer vibe to me, but I can’t recall the book 🙁

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Not sure about the heroine being new in town, but this reminded me of Naked Edge by Pamela Clare

  3. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    I can’t specify the book, but check Kathleen Eagle’s backlist. Many of her books (both historicals and contemporaries) involve white heroines and Native American heroes.

  4. Lucy says:

    Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Definitely not Naked Edge and having gone through the descriptions of Kathleen Eagle and Diana Palmer’s backlist, none of them match.

  5. Jules says:

    It’s been forever since I’ve read it so my memory is an little fuzzy on the details but Warrior’s Bride by Nina Bruhns has a couple meeting at a powwow. If I remember correctly, he was one of the dancers.

    It was a Silhouette intimate moments book but the author self published it a few years ago. Hope this help!

  6. JenM says:

    Aargh, I Think I may have sampled or read this but I can’t remember the author. I thought it might be Cheryl Reavis, who wrote romances with Native American (usually Navaho) heroes for Silhouette, but I’m not finding it in her list of books. If it’s the book I’m thinking of, the heroine is a photographer who is invited to the reservation to photograph a dance ceremony and meets the hero there. He’s upset she’s there and he maybe confiscates her camera? I seem to recall a sweat ledge scene also. Of course, this might be an entirely different book LOL.

  7. Jerrica says:

    I second the guess for Warrior’s Bride by Nina Bruhns. You can download a sample from Amazon.

  8. Lucy says:

    Afraid it’s not Cheryl Reavis or Nina Bruhns – thanks for trying anyway, guys.

  9. denise says:

    Karen Kay has a lot of Native American romance.

  10. Lucy says:

    Just dropping back to say I found it. I decided to overhaul my Kindle and catalogue it all on Goodreads. In doing so, I stumbled across it and I guess the reason I never found it before was because the cover, the title and the blurb would never have clued me into it being the one I’ve been searching for. For those interested, it was Shut Up and Kiss Me by Christie Craig.

  11. JenM says:

    YES! I knew I’d read it but there was no way I would have remembered the author. She doesn’t usually write Native American characters so when I was scrolling through my booklist looking for it, I never even looked at her books as a possibility. Thanks for solving the mystery. I rarely remember titles or authors but that plot sounded so familiar.

  12. Lucy says:

    JenM – I know, I would never have discovered it if I hadn’t happened to enter it into Goodreads and spot something on the page that made me wonder. And you were right about him confiscating her camera! I never finished this book so am going to read from the beginning. Thanks again for trying to find it.

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