April Fools 2019! Yep, More Food!

It’s time for the annual tradition of April Fool’s Day gags here at SBTB. I know so many people dislike April Fool’s Day, and I get it, I really do.

But I also love coming up with silly and affectionate April Fool’s Day pages – so this year?


A brown paper bag full of suggestive sausage with Smart Butchers Trashy Books

Smart Butchers, Trashy Books!

There are subscription book boxes, and there are subscription boxes for food, but why not both?

So, this year? We’re butchers, and we have boxes of meat and hot sauce because there is no limit to the number of jokes Amanda and I can make about sausage, nor can we stop coming up (hur) with terrible names for hot sauces.

Want to look back at some of our past April Fool’s editions? Here are a few of my favorites.

Back in 2016 we made snack box subscriptions, including one for you and one for your pet. (Now, with businesses like Bark Box, that’s actually a thing! That’s hilarious.)

We’ve fallen in love with rabbits, and  made our own social media network in 2014 complete with hoax-detection technology (wow, wish that had been real).

Smart Bitches wearable - a black wide bracelet with a screen on the face that tracks pages read, podcast time left, and money saved on deals. At the bottom is a STOP TIME button
Ah, the Smart Bitches Smart Watch!

And one of my all-time most-favorite April Fool’s Day?

Our 2015 Time-stopping wearable device that doubles as a reader, pedometer, page counter, audio device, sale alarm, and timekeeper.

It stops time so we can read more. I love it so much.

We’ll be back next year with more silliness, but until then, Happy April, folks. See you next year!


General Bitching...

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  1. mel burns says:


  2. Deianira says:
  3. Deianira says:

    OK… clearly I should not post before coffee. I meant to say…

    Brava! Gigglesnorting here (so thank god I’m the only one at the office).

  4. Emily C says:

    This was the.best.yet! So funny I only wish I had read before getting to the office – snort laughing st my desk is quite a way to start the week!

  5. @SB Sarah says:

    Hee! Thank you!!! We have SO MUCH FUN coming up with these every year.

  6. LauraL says:

    Glad I wasn’t on a call when I opened SBTB this morning. Richard Twitch, the butcher, is going to have me giggling at odd times all day. I just know it. I love the tie-in to “we have the meats.”

    Great job, ladies!

  7. AbbyT says:

    I’m so glad I can always count on the Bitchery to have great April Fools pranks that harm no one and are so fun and silly. Thank you!! <3

    (This one may be the best yet … though I'm always fond of the year the site was taken over by giant man titty.)

  8. EJ says:

    I was so pissed for a second this morning.

  9. Silver James says:

    I LIVE for your April Fools’ Day gags. They make my whole spring. Being a meat eater from the Southwest, I truly appreciate this year’s entry. I’m licking my lips for a bite of rump roast, and all those tasty sausages.

  10. @SB Sarah says:

    @AbbyT: Yes! We want fun and silly and safe and we don’t want to harm anyone with our goofy April Fools’. Thank you so much for enjoying the silliness with us!

  11. EJ says:

    Clarification: I’m not pissed anymore, it was just for a second, pre-coffee, and I was confused. I’m ok now and I love all of you.

  12. Escapeologist says:

    A+ content!

    I’m still fairly new here so I get to catch up on previous years’ pranks *rubs hands together gleefully*

  13. cayenne says:

    I scared my Uber driver cos I snort-laugh-choked while reading the hot sauce names. Thanks for another year of April Fools’ Day fun!!

  14. Julia says:

    An absolute classic! I’ve always been of the opinion that girth is the most important aspect of a sausage.

  15. Sue C says:

    The “just the tip” package made me chortle out loud. EXCELLENT jokes this year!

  16. DonnaMarie says:

    I had totally forgotten it was April 1. I had quite the snort laugh this morning, as I love a good meat pun.

    Thanks for the silly.

  17. Maite says:

    My favorite April Fools remains the social media one, because that might even actually happen one day.
    (Yes, if I had Libriomancer powrs, I would grab that smartwatch, but I am still working on those powers).
    And heck, the names for the Hot Sauces. Red-Hot work there.

  18. EC Spurlock says:

    Best one yet. You made a wretched Monday so, SO much better! Thank you and applause.

  19. Pre-Successful Indie (now with less misquoting) says:

    It took me until the 2nd to get the “meat(us)” pun! Aargh! I fail Anatomy retroactively!

  20. Denise says:

    lol love this

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