Help A Bitch Out - SOLVED!

HaBO: Hero Hides Heroine’s Garter

You did it! We figured this one out! It is a truth universally acknowledged (by me for certain) that the Bitchery pretty much knows everything, and really, it's true. Scroll down to see the solution for this HaBO - and many thanks!

This HaBO request comes from Veronica, who is searching for a historical romance:

I am looking for a historical that I read within the past two years, although it could be a few years older than that.

I don’t remember anything about the cover. It was either a marriage of convenience or an arranged marriage.

The only scene I remember vividly was a scene in which the hero takes the heroine’s garter, and tells her that in order to consummate the marriage, she must find said garter, which he has hidden on his body. I believe she follows through on this in his dining room.

I would love to find this book again; it bugs me to no end that I can’t remember it.

In the dining room, you say? *waggles eyebrows*


Help a Bitch Out

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  1. Georgie Wickham says:

    WHY does it do that to me!! – Miss Winthorpe’s Elopement, by Christine Merrill.

  2. Veronica says:

    Yep, that is totally it! Thank you!

  3. elianara says:

    How do you do that? One scene and case solved. I’m impressed!

  4. Georgie Wickham says:

    It’s quite a good HR, with an especially awful OW.

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