DABWAHA Final Vote: it is ON.

Did you vote? How could you not? Go on over and vote in the DABWAHA Championship Round!

Larissa Ione’s Ecstasy Unveiled is up against Zero at the Bone by Jane Seville – paranormal vs. male/male romance?! It does not get any more awesomer than that. So get it on until 10PM EDT when the polls closed and many, many winners are announced.


Larissa Ione would like to add a prize to the buffet, and who are we to say no? One random person who predicted that Ecstasy Unveiled will win a Demonica tote bag with a mug and the first four books in the Ecstasy series, signed by Larissa. Why? “I think it’s so cool that anyone actually put Ecstasy Unveiled in their bracket to win (even I didn’t!) so I’d like to send one random person who predicted EU would win a prize.”

Have you voted yet? Go on! Vote!



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  1. CourtneyLee says:

    I was so excited to see Zero at the Bone in the championship round! I haven’t been keeping up with DA BWAHA, so seeing one of my favorite gay romance novels ever doing so incredibly well was amazing. They’re still working their way into being recognized by the mainstream so for this to happen now is wonderful.

  2. TKF says:

    Somehow this contest always seems to prove to me that my tastes are clearly a bit off the beaten path . . . none of my favorite books of the past year even made the full list of 64 starters . . .

  3. msgail says:

    I enter my vote for Ecstasy Unveiled.  It’s a fun book and I haven’t read the other one.

  4. bit off the beaten path . . . none of my favorite books of the past year even made the full list of 64 starters . . .

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