Phyllida: You Came A Long Way, Ma’am!

PhyllidaBack in July of 2006, I reviewed Phyllida and the Brotherhood of Philander, which at the time was published by the author, Ann Herendeen, through AuthorHouse. Now, three years later, HarperCollins is publishing Phyllida , on sale today at bookstores every-freaking-where. How is this cool? Well, not only did it go from self-pub to HarperCollins, but Phyllida is a gay Regency, with a m/m/f setup. 

The book is garnering a good amount of attention – which is awesome – and both romance sites and bloggers are reviewing and celebrating it. How freaking cool! Congrats to Herendeen, and to Phyllida, who is a very ballsy heroine, though not in the way her husband would prefer.


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  1. Annmarie says:

    I remember your review!  I had Borders order this book after reading your review and loved it!

    So glad it is getting the exposure it deserves.

  2. Kerry says:

    Cool! I was just thinking of this book the other day and thought of purchasing. Easy availability moves it up my TBR!

  3. I reviewed the original edition last May here:

  4. Laptoper says:

    Long way home!

  5. MS Jones says:

    Having read your review, and about Ms. Herendeen’s struggle to get her novel written, printed, and sold, I echo your congrats to the good-bi girl. She writes so well, and her response to your criticism of her book was awesome. (She called your review “terrific” after you gave her a C). I’m looking forward to reading Phyllida.

  6. miaserene says:

    Oooh how exciting and wonderful for the author. Definitely buying this one soon.

  7. DearEvette says:

    I am always on the look out for romance novels that push the envelope.  So it is nice to stumble across this.  I am definitely going to buy it.

  8. Rebecca says:

    That’s great news. I’ll have to go pick it up.

    Note: RH is using the same painting for cover art that Source Books is using for their QPB re-printing of Georgette Heyer’s False Colours.

    See here:

  9. saltypepper says:

    That last sentence made me aspirate my tea.

    The NYC library system (serves Manhattan, The Bronx and Staten Island) has a copy on order as well.

  10. GrowlyCub says:

    And it’s so unattractive.  Sometimes, I really wonder who makes these decisions.

    feeling29 I wish… once upon a time 🙂

  11. Jana Oliver says:

    I will definitely pick up a copy as I love self-pubbed or subsidy-pubbed success stories. When one of these catches NY’s attention it makes me cheer. And besides, what’s not to love about a gay Regency romance?

  12. ttthomas says:

    …and I reviewed it here:
        OK, OK, so I loved it! I also like the History Behind the Story at the back of the book in the new Harper Collins…very cool. I wrote this lady a fan letter, and she’s as neat as her book. Good for good writers like her!  tt

  13. lizziebee says:

    That is awesome! Congrats to Ann Herendeen. So great to see a non-traditional romance picked up and re-distributed like this 🙂 I’ll be looking out for it definitely!

  14. foleydog says:

    I’m adding this to my vacation reading list.  Do you know if the it’s been edited substantially (and maybe fixed some of those problems)?

  15. xat says:

    Just ordered this for my Kindle. Talk about instant need gratification.

    Looking forward to reading the story. Yay!

  16. amy lane says:

    Wow—gives us self-published folks some hope!

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