Fun and Games on Friday!

Kimberly needs help: she needs you to name her cactus.


I vote “Prick.”


Fun And Games

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  1. Marcia in OK says:

    Lefty Johnson

  2. Isabelle says:

    Gray Rouillard

  3. Rene S. says:

    Phineas Scratchwise McMurkleton, Esq.

  4. Karen says:

    Wee Willy Winky

  5. Marita says:

    Gilderoy Lockheart

  6. Antonella says:

    Schlong Duk Dong

  7. Karen says:

    Although I love the flag in the same pot.

    Dick aka Richard Nixon

    spam-o-meter “service76”  let the patriotism flow.

  8. sarah says:

    Vampire Willy, natch! (since he obviously hates the sun)

  9. Wryhag says:

    Mr. Microphone

  10. Vera says:

    Patriotic Salute!

  11. kittyfischer says:

    Dirty Sanchez

  12. LOL, I’m a Monty Python fan so, of course, I immediately thought of Biggus Dickus! 🙂

  13. Karen says:


  14. karmelrio says:

    Phallicactus Maximus

  15. katiebabs says:

    Spermy the happy cacti

  16. Lovecow2000 says:

    Papa Boner

  17. azteclady says:


    spaminator: built85 heh

  18. Amy says:

    Prickly Roger

  19. B says:

    “My Ex-Boyfriend”.

  20. Amy S. says:


  21. Joan says:

    Bill Napoli.

  22. evabaruk says:

    Sperman Sherman

    Although i do like Rene S.‘s Phineas Scratchwise McMurkleton, Esq.

  23. Kelly says:

    The cherry popper

  24. kittyfischer says:

    lemuel wanker

  25. Kimberly says:

    Hahahahahahaha you guys are so great… I’m so bad at naming things.  It’s gonna take awhile to pick one.  Thanks for the input!!

  26. Wilma Howe-Bennett says:


    How about Leany Tower of Prick?

  27. Kathy says:

    My six year old son says “giant ear wax”.

    BTW, I like Gray Rouillard, I read that book a 1/2 dozen times when I first started reading romance novels, too funny.

  28. Samantha says:

    Mister Phallus Prickle-Pickle

  29. Samantha says:

    Or maybe Vlad The Impaler

  30. Nancy Bristow says:

    Spike Johnson

  31. Alex Ess says:


  32. Sarah L. says:

    Rocket Man

    What? It looks like it’s ready for takeoff

  33. Stephanie says:

    Is it just me, or is the cactus clearly making a political statement about where this country is headed. Look! It and the flag are clearly leaning away from one another!

    I have no suggestions, I just thought that was amusing. 😛

  34. Marna says:


    hy beat around the bush? 😉

  35. Gwen says:



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