Kimberly needs help: she needs you to name her cactus.
I vote “Prick.”
Kimberly needs help: she needs you to name her cactus.
I vote “Prick.”
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Lefty Johnson
Gray Rouillard
Bulbous Jones
Phineas Scratchwise McMurkleton, Esq.
Wee Willy Winky
Gilderoy Lockheart
Schlong Duk Dong
Although I love the flag in the same pot.
Dick aka Richard Nixon
spam-o-meter “service76” let the patriotism flow.
Tricky Dick
Vampire Willy, natch! (since he obviously hates the sun)
Mr. Microphone
Patriotic Salute!
Dirty Sanchez
LOL, I’m a Monty Python fan so, of course, I immediately thought of Biggus Dickus! 🙂
Phallicactus Maximus
Spermy the happy cacti
Papa Boner
spaminator: built85 heh
Prickly Roger
“My Ex-Boyfriend”.
B for the win!
Bill Napoli.
Sperman Sherman
Although i do like Rene S.‘s Phineas Scratchwise McMurkleton, Esq.
The cherry popper
Prickles 🙂
lemuel wanker
Hahahahahahaha you guys are so great… I’m so bad at naming things. It’s gonna take awhile to pick one. Thanks for the input!!
How about Leany Tower of Prick?
My six year old son says “giant ear wax”.
BTW, I like Gray Rouillard, I read that book a 1/2 dozen times when I first started reading romance novels, too funny.
Mister Phallus Prickle-Pickle
Or maybe Vlad The Impaler
Spike Johnson
Rocket Man
What? It looks like it’s ready for takeoff
Is it just me, or is the cactus clearly making a political statement about where this country is headed. Look! It and the flag are clearly leaning away from one another!
I have no suggestions, I just thought that was amusing. 😛
hy beat around the bush? 😉