Bags! Big Huge Romancey Bags!

bagsThis year, the conference bags for RWA 2009 were provided by Harlequin, which was awesome for two reasons. First, they had vintage cover art. Second, they were BLOODY HUGE. I mean, there could not have been a bag better suited to the book signings and the massive influx of books provided at RWA. You could put a Yugo in there.

I don’t have the books that came with the bag because I gave them to a teacher from Omaha. The AFT was ending their conference the day I arrived, and one of the teachers shared an elevator with me. You should have seen her face when she realized that OUR conference bags came with ROMANCE NOVELS. She was not pleased that her conference bag was not so well equipped!

I know many people expressed drooling envy over the bags – which is understandable because they are Teh Coolness – so I’ve got two for you. Leave a comment and I’ll pick a random winner. If you were at RWA, what was your favorite part? What part did you get the most out of? And if not, are you coming next year to Nashville? You’ve got 24 hours – ready set go!

ETA: I have one more! Barb Ferrer is giving away her bag, so there’s three for grabs. Thanks, Barb!

ETA II: Electric Bugaloo – Edie asked, “I don’t suppose you would be willing to send one to Australia?? It was a bit too far for me to travel to go to the conference.” Unless otherwise specified, I will ship all prizes for any giveaway internationally. See the ads over there?—> Them’s most of my postage budget, baby, yeah. πŸ™‚

ETA III: Jane from Dear Author is throwing hers in, so that’s four bags up for grabs. Woo hoo!

ETA IV: MORE! Julie James has offered her bag- so we got five!

ETA V: STILL MORE Katiebabs has offered hers, too.

ETA VI: What? Yes! Shiloh Walker has given hers to the party, too. SEVEN baby!

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  1. Laura (in PA) says:

    I missed it this year. I’ve loved the updates. I did get to see Nora Roberts, Linda Howard, Stephanie Laurens, and some others last weekend.

    The bags sound awesome. I’m totally going to try for Nashville next year – it’s one of my favorite places!

  2. Edie says:

    I don’t suppose you would be willing to send one to Australia??
    It was a bit too far for me to travel to go to the conference.. lol

  3. Sara Lea says:

    I would love one of those bags! They’re brilliant!

  4. eaeaea says:

    Awesome bag reminds me of a pick up line.
    ‘Nice bag, wanna f@ck?’

  5. Andrea says:

    Here in the Uk I read about conferences like these and wish they were nearer.  I’d love to come next year but finances are prohibitive so I’ll just have to make do with reading people’s comments and posts.

  6. Michele says:

    I wasn’t there but will try to make Nashville. Those bags were a 1000 times better than the one I got in Dallas in 2007.

  7. Kim says:

    On Saturday morning, my coffee date with Andrea Pickens morphed into a historical gathering with Cathy Maxwell, Robin Lee Hatcher, Elizabeth Hoyt, Lauren Willig, and Kathe Robin (from RT).  Jade Lee joined us with her exciting news that NPR had just interviewed her.  The fire alarm sounded, we evacuated to the cab area, and NYT best sellers became “cell phone” photographers as the hunky fireman hauled in their equipment.  Really, what more could a girl want?!?

  8. Marsha says:

    I didn’t go this year, but I’d love a bag so I can fake it! 

    Would love to go next year.  Nashville, you say?

  9. WendyC says:

    International postage possible? It was a bit far for me to travel seeing as I’m down here in Australia!

  10. I love Romancey Bags! I’m in!

  11. DianaQ says:

    We’re overseas, so alas, I’ll be missing it.
    Bags are cool, though!
    – DianaQ

  12. Linda B. says:

    I think I’m going to send my husband to visit his MOTHER next year, and I’ll come to Nashville!!! πŸ™‚

  13. Michelle W says:

    I went to the conference when it was in Atlanta (2 yrs ago?) and my FAV part was chatting with the authors & catching up with friends.  It was a FAB weekend.

  14. StephB says:

    I would love to go next year but I doubt I’ll be able to…another UK-resident here!

  15. ijinx says:

    I missed it this year, too, mostly b/c I’m in Europe. Pity! But the updates were great. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Mama Buce says:

    I can road trip Nashville…so maybe I could actually make it to this one…or I can keep crossing my fingers that they will come to Chicago…or Milwaukee, that works for me too. So if everyone could adjust their schedules to fit my life, things will be peachy.

    Ooooh, the magic8ball of v-words says “soon 36” so maybe in 4 years?

  17. Michelle says:

    Awesome bags, talk about bag envy. 
    Glad you had a great time and were kind enough to give your books to the teacher.  I am sure she enjoyed them.  You need to make up some bags with your cover on them and the smartbitches logo on the back.

  18. Julianna says:

    Drool.  I love those bags.  I am, sadly, not a RW and don’t live in A, so my chances to acquire such beauties are limited – count me in for the draw, please!

  19. Elizabeth Wadsworth says:

    Love the bags!  Do they ever hold the conference in the Northeast?

  20. Sonja says:

    Those are really cool bags! Thanks!

  21. tls says:

    I didn’t get to go, but I’d love a bag.  Thanks for the chance at one.

  22. ev says:

    i don’t know about Nashville (which I adore) but 2011 is NYC and that is just a short drive for me.

    I really did enjoy all the tweets and blogs. I had to tutor my hubby on how twitter works so the hashtag’s were the perfect way to show him how they worked.

    Everyone is exhausted, so it seems they had a great time. LOL

  23. Liz in Australia says:

    Oooh!! Bags and romance books. No wonder the lady in the elevator was envious. The bags look fabbo!

  24. dancechica says:

    I went to the literacy signing, which was overwhelming! But very fun. I saw the bags and thought they were cool. I heard a woman ask a conference attendee about them.

  25. Jusy says:

    I’m not able to attend RWA.  I live vicariously through attendees Twitter reporting. It’s almost like being there (NOT).

  26. Carin says:

    I didn’t go, but it sounds awesome.  The bag looks awesome, too!

  27. Chris says:

    Those bags rock! I haven’t gone to RWA yet… but maybe someday. πŸ™‚

  28. CT says:

    Random comment!


  29. Wendy says:

    I didn’t go to RWA, I’ve never gone and it’s probably going to be a while before I can go, too. Damn school.

  30. Mandy says:

    I have seen loads of pics of these bags, I am so jealous they are amazing!!

    One day I hope to make it to the RWA

  31. Leslie says:

    Didn’t even know about the conference. but thanks to your wonderful reports and updates I have found a new authors I just HAVE to read. (Does sucking-up get extra points?)

  32. Bronwyn says:

    Oh! Me, me!

  33. Babs says:

    This bag is AWESOME! Want. Very much.

    I was hoping to go this year (lived in the DC area) but my husband was transferred and we departed the US on July 9th—soooooo close and yet so far. I have read with envy the tweets of those at RWA. *sniff*

    Does being pathetic up my chances of winning? GRIN

  34. Karen says:

    I WANT to go next year, but it’s going to depend on the checkbook… πŸ™‚

  35. Tina C. says:

    The next one is in Nashville?  That’s actually very near by!  Can you daytrip it or is it all of the conference or nothing?  We actually have our first “real” vacation planned for the end of July 2010 and I couldn’t get time off for both.

  36. I’m sooo hoping to make it to stuff next year. It kills me everytime I have to read about all the great stuff. =P

  37. EmilyW says:

    Pick me, pick me! πŸ™‚

  38. SB Sarah says:

    I just edited the entry but for y’all who have asked: Unless otherwise specified, I will ship all prizes for any giveaway internationally. So far, the farthest I’ve shipped is Australia, but if someone on the space station wins a prize, I’ll figure it out.

    Most of the revenue from our ads? Postage, baby. Stamp me, stamp me hard. The USPS needs to create a blogger giveaway commemorative stamp because hot damn, I support them like whoa.

  39. Ava says:

    Ooooh. I would like a bag! Pick me and I’ll be your very best friend…

    Yes. I have resorted to grade school style persuasion. Let me know if it works. πŸ™‚

  40. Jessica says:

    Those bags are amazing!  Maybe I’ll make it to Nashville next year.  πŸ™‚

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