Links: Olympics, Fonts, Claudia Kishi, & More!

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Hi all! Welcome to Wednesday Links, where we post about cool things we’ve seen around the internet!

The Olympics are underway and admittedly, I’m only half watching it. But despite the questionable coverage by NBC and all the awful injuries (get well soon, athletes!) there are some super cute aspects, like Olympic couples:

Jen Armbruster and Asya Miller

Sports: They both play goalball, a sport specifically created for blind athletes, for the USA’s Paralympic team.

Their story: Jen has played in six (!) Paralympic games since 1992, and Asya thought of her as a role model before they met while playing the game. They won a silver medal playing together in Athens in 2004, and got married in 2007, one year before winning the gold in Beijing. They had their first child, a son named Ryder, in 2011.

Aww alert: “Occasionally we do argue like spouses and our teammates laugh at it. And sometimes we use terms of endearment on the court,” Asya said in an interview for the upcoming games.

The list features only nine couples, so it’s by no means an exhaustive count of couples competing. Feel free to add comments about your favorite Olympic couple!

Organization Academy A note from Sarah: At RWA this year, I co-presented two workshops – one on newsletters and another on virtual assistants – that at their core were about organizing yourself, your tasks, and your time.

I’m also hard at work on an online course about calendar organization and time management.

I know many of you found my series on Google Calendar useful for your own schedules, and this course is an expanded, more intensive version of that series designed to help you organize your time and your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule.

I’ll be sending out tips and step-by-step instructions for specific organization and time management strategies through the Organization Academy mailing list:

Please sign up if you’d like information about the course when it’s ready. My goal is to help you get control of your time and your schedule methods so you have less of that can’t-catch-up, overwhelmed feeling we all dislike so much.

Admittedly, it took me a while to get into Stranger Things (if you have Netflix and aren’t watching it, GO NOW!), but once I did, I’ve been reading everything I can about the show, even articles of the title’s font:

The Duffer Brothers recently told The Hollywood Reporter that their title font is a “super important” aspect of their show. They wanted to capture the look and feel of the 15 book covers – the vast majority from Stephen King novels – that they sent to a design company called Imaginary Forces. The result was, they said, completely true to the feeling of being “in middle school or high school reading those paperbacks.”

Other viewers have experienced a lightbulb moment when they realise that the font is the same that is used on the children’s book series, Choose Your Own Adventure. Stranger Things shares its ability to make viewers travel through time with its title font, ITC Benguiat.

Excuse me while I nerd out all over the place.

Thanks to Reader Lakshmi for passing along her tribute to The Baby-Sitters Club‘s Claudia Kishi over at NBC News:

Beyond seeing an Asian-American girl who was artistic and creative, readers who grew up surrounded by their extended families also said they appreciated seeing a realistic portrayal of an Asian-American family. “My absolute favorite book was ‘Claudia and the Sad Good-Bye,’ which is the book in which Claudia’s beloved grandmother, Mimi, passes away,” Pooja Makhijani, a writer and editor now living in Singapore, told NBC News in an email. “I was raised by my paternal grandparents – we lived in a multigenerational home – and Claudia’s relationship with her grandmother was always precious to me.”

I could be wrong, but I feel as though Claudia was the fan favorite. Who was your favorite character?

A vector illustration of a smiling bee on a yellow flower reading a copy of Buzz Books Romance 2016 A reminder! Buzz Books Romance 2016 is still available in the US, so if you’re looking for new books to try, you can find yourself a digital copy on the Publisher’s Lunch Buzz Books page, and for download from Amazon, BN, iBooks, and Google: Play.

I wrote the introduction, and since I didn’t have a hand in the curation process, I’m extremely curious about several of the books excerpted inside – especially the ones involving magic and under-explored historical time periods.

If you’ve downloaded a copy, would you share what you thought of it? I’d love to hear your reactions!

Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Meg says:

    I was always partial to Mary Anne myself.

  2. Jen says:

    I liked Kristy! She had a lot of characteristics I wished I had: athleticism and bossiness, to name a couple 🙂

  3. Demi says:

    Pretty sure the only Babysitter’s Club book I ever read featured Claudia – wasn’t she “the artist”? Go figure!

    I’m curious to hear how people like Buzz Books Romance. I chose not to download it since I already have a humongous TBR mountain, but am still intrigued!

  4. My favorite of the Babysitters was Stacy. Thinking about it now, I’m not sure why she was my favorite, but she was.

  5. Cassy says:

    As a kid it was Stacey, because she was from New York City and dressed stylishly and had blonde hair and was therefore clearly the coolest one by a LONG SHOT. (I am not nor have I ever been any of the above.) In retrospect if I had to pick again now I’d probably pick Claudia or Dawn.

  6. jimthered says:

    It’s for next week, but for fans of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 and RIFFTRAX, on Thursday, August 18th RIFFTRAX LIVE will be in movie theaters, riffing on MOTHRA. (For those who can’t make it then — like me, damnit — there’s an encore show on Tuesday, August 23rd.) There are more details at and a trailer at

  7. Hera says:

    I liked Stacey solely because of that one book where she made brownies and took some home even though she knew she shouldn’t. That was such a real moment.

  8. shiny says:

    Mine was definitely Kristy, because she was a tomboy and took charge of things and started the club. And I liked her ponytail.

  9. Katherine C. says:

    I remember Claudia and Dawn being my favorites, although I couldn’t tell you why now. I liked Mallory and Jessi too when they got brought in.

  10. cleo says:

    Imaginary Forces! Excuse me while my inner design geek comes out to play. They’re an incredibly innovative design firm who’ve done some amazing opening titles – Mad Men and some of the Spiderman movies and more. One of their founders, Kyle Cooper, designed the titles to the movie se7en and revolutionized movie title design.

  11. Heather S says:

    Claudia was definitely my favorite – she was SO cool. California girl Dawn was runner up, though I was envious of whoever had a phone in her room. As a 90s kid, before cell phones were such a common thing, having a phone in your room was the epitome of cool.

  12. Mara says:

    Claudia FTW!! I loved her best, always, even though she was nothing like me. Ah, how I miss my BSC days

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