Tag Archives: weddings

Links: Sailor Moon, Events & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Hey, everyone! Welcome back to Wednesday Links! I joined the office softball league and our first game was up against a team who takes the game way too seriously, especially playing up against a group of people with a team where 80% of us have never played softball before. Oh well, we still had a fun time amongst our group! My partner was also recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and we just found this great … Continue reading Links: Sailor Moon, Events & More

Links: Weddings, Science, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Welcome back to Wednesday Links! I am sick, everyone! Sore throat, aches, the whole nine. Gotta say, I don’t recommend it. In the meantime, my old cat and I had a sleepover at my partner’s place because they have amazing heat and it was in the negatives this past weekend. It went well, all things considered (namely monitoring Linus around a ton of new plants he definitely wants to eat). It’s since warmed up, thank … Continue reading Links: Weddings, Science, & More

Links: Nature is Weird and a Wedding for the Ages

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Happy New Year! We have reached 2020. I’m not big on new year resolutions, but I’m adopting them in the most general way possible. read more books (obviously) form new connections and cultivate existing ones give myself permission to say no and recharge limit my social media time Feel free to drop some of your own goals for the year in the comments! … Did you know there’s such a thing as a “penis fish”? I … Continue reading Links: Nature is Weird and a Wedding for the Ages

March Movie Selection: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

It’s time for our March Smart Bitches Movie Matinee, where we all watch a movie when it’s most convenient for us (which for most of us here means when libations most friendly are adjacent or in the vicinity) and discuss together! First, holy smokey gouda, THANK YOU for all the excellent suggestions! We have, I kid you not, over 250 responses and they’re all terrific, which means this feature will continue until we are very, … Continue reading March Movie Selection: My Big Fat Greek Wedding