Tag Archives: sports romance
Book Review

Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner

Cleat Cute

I had a crappy, stressful week and I was tired and I don’t care about soccer AND YET I found Cleat Cute to be delightful. Honestly if this book worked for me on this particular week it ought to work for anybody. This Grumpy/Sunshine f/f romance has clear traces to Ted Lasso but not so many as to feel derivative. It’s just a really nice story about two decent human beings falling in love. Grace … Continue reading Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner

Book Review

40-Love by Olivia Dade


40-Love is part of the Marysburg series by Olivia Dade. Shana and I both enjoyed this romance between a tennis player in his twenties and a forty-year-old high school assistant principal on vacation. The book glories in having a fat heroine and addresses issues including chronic pain, the challenge of reinventing oneself, inequities in the American school system, and navigating romance across an age gap. Despite all these topics, however, the book remains light and … Continue reading 40-Love by Olivia Dade

Book Review

After the Gold by Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese

After the Gold

Sometimes a book is pretty much exactly what you think it’s going to be, and that’s not a bad thing! When I started reading After The Gold, I was expecting a high-drama sports romance with lots of angst both about sports and not-sports, and this book totally delivered. After the Gold follows a figure skating pair team, Katie and Brendan, who are trying to figure out what to do both personally and professionally now that … Continue reading After the Gold by Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese

Book Review

Blitzed by Alexa Martin


Blitzed is the third book in Alexa Martin’s Playbook series. I spent the entire time I was reading it thinking that it was the final book, but just so you don’t go into it with the same misconception: It’s not the final book! There is a fourth book, Snapped, to come. The heroine of Blitzed is Brynn, owner of HERS, a bar created predominantly for women. HERS has reached a level of fame that Brynn … Continue reading Blitzed by Alexa Martin

Book Review

Ice Hot by Tracy Goodwin

Ice Hot

TW/CW: mentions of child abuse, emotional abuse, and addiction. Ice Hot by Tracy Goodwin is a contemporary sports romance featuring a hockey-player hero and a plus-sized designer heroine. I loved the hero’s emotional fluency, but while I acknowledge the topic of the heroine’s weight was handled in a way that I was fine with, I also realize that not all readers may feel the same as me. Christian Chase is the team captain for the … Continue reading Ice Hot by Tracy Goodwin

Book Review

Guest Review: Intercepted by Alexa Martin


Jennifer Prokop is here with another guest review of a highly anticipated new contemporary romance. If you want to see Jennifer’s other guest reviews, you can see them all here! Jennifer has been reading romance ever since she found a bag of remaindered paperbacks in her grandmother’s basement when she was a teenager. She writes romance reviews for The Book Queen and you can find her on Twitter @JenReadsRomance. She’s also created a website to help … Continue reading Guest Review: Intercepted by Alexa Martin

Book Review

Shot on Gold by Jaci Burton

Shot on Gold

Before I get into this romance, I want to state that I don’t really follow much of the Olympics. I get my Olympic news from my roommate and from Twitter, which means I can’t really comment on the accuracy of how the events are portrayed in this book. However, I did feel like reading a romance between two veteran Olympians would help me contribute to the Olympic spirit currently permeating every one of my personal … Continue reading Shot on Gold by Jaci Burton

Book Review

Guest Squee: Edge of Glory by Rachel Spangler

Edge of Glory

NB: This guest review is from Reader Tara Scott. If you want to read her previous guest reviews (and we highly recommend that you do), you can see them all here. Tara reads a lot of lesbian romances. You can catch her regularly reviewing at The Lesbian Review and Curve Magazine and hear her talk about lesbian fiction (including romance) on her podcast Les Do Books. You can also hit her up for recommendations on Twitter (@taramdscott). … I love … Continue reading Guest Squee: Edge of Glory by Rachel Spangler

Links: Romance & Superb Owls Smell Like Teen Spirit

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

It’s Wednesday! And now begins the home stretch to the weekend. We hope you have some great plans (I’m seeing the Lego Batman movie!), but if not, I’m sure you have a good book to read. … The Super Bowl was Sunday, but many other people participated in Superb Owl Sunday. It’s exactly as awesome as it sounds. If you want to gaze upon some more superb owls, The Atlantic has you covered with an owl slideshow! … Continue reading Links: Romance & Superb Owls Smell Like Teen Spirit

Links: Solved HaBOs, Maine Coons, & Historical High Fashion

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

It’s time for Wednesday Links! I don’t know about you, but I’m shocked there’s only one more week left in August. But I’m ready for fall. … You’ve asked for it and now you’ve got it. Solved HaBOs! Just a word of warning though, we currently have over 600 HaBOs. That means, we have to go through each one and suss out if they’ve been solved in the comments or not. Every Monday afternoon, I … Continue reading Links: Solved HaBOs, Maine Coons, & Historical High Fashion

Book Review

Blind Landing by Carrie Aarons

Blind Landing

Though I haven’t been following the Olympics closely, I figured I should read something that aligns with current events. Besides, I really loved the cover of Blind Landing, and a romance between gymnasts opens up all sorts of possibilities for creative sexytimes. Natalia and Spencer both reside at the same training facility. Nat is hoping to qualify at the Olympic trials and go on to fulfill her dream of earning a medal. Spencer used to … Continue reading Blind Landing by Carrie Aarons