Tag Archives: no really
Book Review

Rise of the Spider Goddess: An Annotated Novel, by Jim C. Hines

Rise of the Spider Goddess

Jim C. Hines is the author of nine published books and many, many short stories. He’s also the author of one previously unpublished novel, Rise of the Spider Goddess. Rise was never published because it’s awful. Really, really awful. Hines says, “I wrote this one during my sophomore year in college, based on my then-favorite Dungeons and Dragons character, Nakor the Purple. A D&D character I had created based on Raymond Feist’s Riftwar books, making … Continue reading Rise of the Spider Goddess: An Annotated Novel, by Jim C. Hines

Jurassic Jane Eyre: A Holiday Gift From The Bitches

Jurassic Jane Eyre:  A Holiday Gift From The Bitches

Earlier in November, Elyse reviewed the “novel” A Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay, by Hunter Fox.  Meanwhile, reviewers on Amazon also discovered this gem, and they were not idle. When one reviewer called this “The Wuthering Heights of Billionaire Gay Dinosaur Fiction,” I jokingly commented on Twitter that I would not be excited until someone wrote “The Jane Eyre of Gay Dinsoaur Fiction.” Then I remembered that if you want something done right you should do it … Continue reading Jurassic Jane Eyre: A Holiday Gift From The Bitches

Book Review

The Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay by Hunter Fox

A Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay

I remember when I was a pre-teen and a friend told me what doggy-style was, and I was scandalized and horrified and thought it was the grossest thing ever. Fast-forward twenty years to Elyse reading about a dude having doggy-style anal sex with his billionaire dinosaur boss while dripping with dinosaur…er…emissions, and me going “Eh,” and casually eating another french fry. How I’ve grown over the years. Obviously I read The Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me … Continue reading The Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay by Hunter Fox