Scorched Earth: Deliberate destruction of resources thereby denying their use to the enemy. And now we enter into one of the most unsatisfying series finales I’ve ever seen in my LIFE. And, as always, all the trigger warnings because GOOD LORD THIS SHOW. Morning, Claire wakes up to seeing her books thrown across the apartment and her shorn ponytail on the pillow. Irritatingly, they did NOT make her remaining hair look like it actually would … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode 8: Scorched Earth→
Trigger warning for everything because this show is all triggers tossed in the swirly machine at the carnival. Full Dress: When soldiers wear full combat gear, and the full dress rehearsal before a performance. In the hospital, Mia is bandaged and sleeping. A nurse gives her what-for about not eating and hiding food in her covers to make it look like she ate and threatens her with a feeding tube, but Mia isn’t having it. … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode 7: Full Dress→
Trigger warning for everything because this show is all triggers in a blender on puree. FUBAR: it’s a military acronym. Romeo writes at his “studio.” There’s a fountain pen decorated with bird skulls, and a frankenstiened stuffed bunny. At the studio, Mia asks if she could get the results over the phone, but the answer is no, and she will come by on her lunch break. Ivana walks in with Monica, who looks like she … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode 6: FUBAR→
Sergei talks to Daphne about the $250,000 he donated to the ballet company and how he hasn’t received any recognition for it. She reminds him that the donation had to be anonymous. He asks Daphne and Claire to dance pieces of Swan Lake for him and his guests at a party. Claire aka Angel is in the lap dance room at the club, talking to the guy she was with when Bryan showed up. Strip … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode 5: MIA→
Trigger Warning for everything y’all. References to sexual abuse, self-harm and incest. The episode opens with Bryan lying on the floor next to Claire, watching her sleep. She tells him that he needs to be gone by the time she gets back from rehearsal. Daphne tells Jessica that she got the $250,000 from her father as a one-time donation (but we know it’s really from Sergei the strip club owner). Meanwhile in rehearsal, something is … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode 4: Boogie Dark→
TW: for pretty much everything, k? We want you to feel safe. Okay, remember how Claire was supposed to sleep with Laurent but made herself throw up to gross him out? Now she’s walking home the morning after barefoot, having left the FMPs he gave her behind. That’s probably a really bad idea in NYC. As always, Romeo watches what’s going on and seems to know more than he should. Oh hey, Bryan the rapist … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode 3: Reconnaissance→
Episode two of crazysauce ballet drama opens with Claire’s broken phone on the sidewalk. Cut to a shot of her brother (the one that was previously jerking off while talking to her) trying to reach her and getting a message that the number has been disconnected. He’s in Claire’s room and sees a NYC poster and AHA! He’s figured out where she is. Meanwhile Claire is trying unsuccessfully to wash the lipstick stain out of … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode Two: Cannon Fodder→
When Flesh and Bone was announced as a Starz limited run series, many of us here at the Hot Pink Palace were excited because BALLET. When I was a little girl I dreamed of being a ballerina until I realized that 1. holy shit it’s a lot of work and 2. I have all the coordination and grace of a duck with an inner ear infection. Maybe that’s a good thing because when Starz said … Continue reading Flesh and Bone Episode One: Bulling Through→