Tag Archives: Cara Bastone
Books On Sale

Contemporary Romances and Something Spooky

Books on Sale: Second Night Stand by Karelia Stetz-Waters & More

Second Night Stand by Fay Stetz-Waters and Karelia Stetz-Waters is $2.99 and a Kindle Daily Deal! Shana recently gave this a B-:

Ultimately, this is a steamy sapphic romance where the love story easily overshadows the reality tv competition. Both heroines start the book feeling afraid other people will see their flaws, and I loved the themes of healing, being loved for your true self, not making work your whole life, and finding a new path to happiness.

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Books On Sale

Contemporary Romances & Magic

Books on Sale: Love and Other Disasters by Anita Kelly & More

RECOMMENDED: Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly is $2.99! Tara and Carrie did a joint review and gave it a B+:

Tara: Overall, I really enjoyed this one! Dahlia and London were such wonderful characters, and I’m a big fan of cooking shows, so I know I’ll be reading Love and Other Disasters again. I’ll just be sure to stock snacks next time, because reading about so much amazing food made me hungry.

Carrie: I was delighted with this book overall. The supporting characters were fun (or loathsome, as the plot demanded). The character development was realistic and powerful. The romance was sexy and I can totally picture Dahlia and London as an old couple on a porch somewhere — I was invested in them for the long haul. This will be one of my comfort re-reads for sure!

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Hide Your Wallet

Hide Your Wallet: February 13th Release Week!

Buckle up, friends! This is a big one! There are so many books, especially romances coming out this week. We couldn’t possibly cover them all, but here are the ones that are on our radar. Which books are you excited for to release this week? Let us know in the comments!

Books On Sale

Paranormal Romance, Heists, & More

Books on Sale: Call Me Maybe by Cara Bastone & More

Call Me Maybe by Cara Bastone is 99c! Bastone’s romances have been previously recommended in the comments. This one was originally released on audio and judging by the description, I’d assume it was pretty cute. This is also on the shorter side at a little over 200 pages.

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Books On Sale

Historical Romances, Librarians, & More

Books on Sale: The Rakess by Scarlett Peckham & More

RECOMMENDED: The Rakess by Scarlett Peckham is $1.99! I haven’t seen any updates about new releases aside from something on Amazon for next March (SO FAR!), but I hope we get some soon! Carrie read this one and have it an A-:

The combination of personal catnip with descriptive language and complex characterization is spot on. I recommend this for fans of vocal feminism, found family, angst, and explicit sex in their historicals. I plan to read my copy many, many times!

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Books On Sale

Three Contemporaries and a Historical Romance

Books on Sale: Haven by Rebekah Weatherspoon & More

Haven by Rebekah Weatherspoon is $2.99 at select vendors! This is the first book in the Beards & Bondage series and the other books are also $2.99! Be warned that this is rather dark and the heroine experiences some terrible trauma. I thought this one was all right, but I’m not a huge fan of using BDSM as a form of therapy, which I feel like it did at times.

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Hide Your Wallet

January’s New Releases, Part Two

If you’re new to Hide Your Wallet, this is where we list new releases we’re pretty excited for in the coming month. Each reviewer has a book maximum (five per person), but we’ve separated HYW into two parts. The first HYW of the month will cover books that release from the 1st to the 14th. The second HYW will cover books released from the 15th to the end of the month. We also think this … Continue reading January’s New Releases, Part Two