Book Review

Someone In Time edited by Jonathan Strahan

I’ve always maintained that it is difficult to do a romance short-story because the format doesn’t allow for the required amount for character or relationship growth. I’m happy to say that the anthology Someone in Times: Tales of Time-Crossed Romance is the exception that proves the rule, with an amazing collection of love stories in short-story form (some with happy endings and some not) and not a bad story in the lot.

All of these stories are about relationships that are shaped by time travel, but they are tonally very different. Sometimes the mechanism of time travel is never explained. In “Romance: Historical,” by Rowan Coleman, a bookseller from the present day connects with a man who is/was a patron of the same store in 1914 through a mysterious 12 inch square space in the stacks. In “The Difference Between Love and Time,” by Catherynne M. Valente, a woman has a life-long, turbulent relationship with the personification of the space time continuum, in a story that begins as a whimsical thought exercise and becomes a bittersweet, unexpectedly powerful meditation on family and humanity and, yes, love and time. The heartbreaking “Unabashed, or: Jackson, Whose Cowardice Tore a Hole in the Universe,” by Sam J. Miller involves a young man who can’t stop obsessing over all the different futures that he could have had if he had changed one tragic decision.

Even the stories that base time travel on some technological mechanism focus more on the actual relationships than the mechanism itself. Seanan McGuire’s story, “First Aid,” begins with a detailed examination of why a person might be sent back in time, what rules they would have to follow, and how they would prepare – all of which is detailed with precision right up until the time machine glitches with very funny results. Alix E. Harrow’s “Roadside Attraction” talks about a time travel portal which, once discovered, causes a lot of drama until it just doesn’t anymore:

There was a lot of fuss when it was first discovered-minor wars, international espionage, secret government agencies with a bewildering array of acronyms-but when the stone failed to provide either profit or power, the land was quietly sold to a private entity.

In some stories the fate of humanity depends on time travel, especially in “A Letter to Merlin,” by Theodora Goss, in which the last human beings use time travel in a desperate attempt to save humanity. Zen Cho contributes a story about time travel in Hong Kong (“The Past Life Reconstruction Service”). Lavanya Lakshminarayan wrote “”Bergamot and Vetiver,” a story in which a traveler from ‘Nova India’ visits the Indus Valley Civilization. Sameen Siddiqui’s “Timed Obsolescence” discusses time travel from a futuristic South Asian perspective. Travelers in several stories are working deep undercover, sent back in time for what is often intended to be a one-way mission. The variety of plots and concepts in the anthology, from time travel as a tech-related mission to time travel as a mental exercise, helps make each story feel fresh and unique.

The book includes several queer authors and multiple stories about m/m and f/f relationships, as well as cultural and racial diversity among the authors and settings. I do wish it included stories by Black and Latinx authors, and as is usually the case, I pine for more disability rep. Otherwise I can’t remember the last time I read an anthology in which every story touched me so much. Some have happy endings and some do not, but all of them are deeply affirming of the idea that human relationships, specifically romantic ones, are important. Some of these stories are sad but none of them are nihilistic or cynical, and all are beautifully written. Many are happy, with clever and subversive resolutions. I had really given up on romance short stories, and while not all of these stories have an HEA, all of them are moving and positive in their own ways.

As a bonus, I can’t resist mentioning that the only two romance love stories I’ve seen work (prior to this anthology) are “The Laurel and Hardy Love Affair,” by Ray Bradbury, and “April in Paris” by Ursula K. Le Guin – the latter of which, coincidentally involves time travel.

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Someone in Time by Jonathan Strahan

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  1. Mikey says:

    “As a bonus, I can’t resist mentioning that the only two romance love stories I’ve seen work…”

    Is “romance love stories” a typo? If so, do you mean “romance SF stories,” or “romance short stories” or something different?

  2. Mikey says:

    (In retrospect, I feel that my above comment might have been worded a bit rudely. If so, I apologize and promise that it was a sincere question and not an attempt to nitpick.)

  3. DonnaMarie says:

    I’m not usually a fan of anthologies. Lots of mediocre reads by authors I’ve never heard of to get to the one good story, but look at that list of contributors. Including Theodora Goss who is my new obsession. I’m in.

  4. Ms. M says:

    While the anthology looks interesting, there’s some false genre labeling going on if they call this romance in the title and it has stories with bummer endings. There should be a separate term for romantic fiction that may or may not end happily. Sometimes the “women’s fiction” label fits for that but it wouldn’t work here.

  5. Lisa L says:

    Thank you kindly for this review Carrie! I’d seen this title and thought hmmm but as short stories maybe, maybe not? On hold for me at the library now. And I’m going to look for the Bradbury and LeGuin as well 🙂

  6. Escapeologist says:

    I’ve been reading this type of SFF anthologies for years, usually from the library. They are a mixed bag in terms of quality, tone and especially HEAs, but there are some gems to be found. Glad to see more romance oriented themes recently.

    If you’re looking to skip the more intense stories, some Goodreads and Amazon reviewers kindly post their ratings and reactions for each story. Or just DNF and move on to the next one.

    Jonathan Strahan is a decent middle of the road editor. Gardner Dozois tends to the blood and gore and triggery plots, there’s usually a George R R Martin story in his collections if that tells you anything. Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling have put out some excellent fantasy / fairytale themed anthologies over the years (always as a duo, Datlow on her own tends to the horror genre.)

  7. LisaM says:

    I’ve also added this to my library holds. Seanan McGuire was the tipping point for me.

  8. JoanneBB says:

    I love anthologies but am meh on time travel, but this was a decent price point so I’ve picked it up.

  9. Kareni says:

    I am a longtime fan of time travel stories and will definitely be looking at this collection. Thank you, Carrie!

  10. Mikey says:

    Mrs. M: Correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I can tell the title isn’t actually calling these “romance stories” or “romance fiction” or anything like that; the “time crossed romance” in the title seems to refer to the phenomenon of romance and not the genre.

    I know that the term “romance fiction” is used to specifically mean love stories with happy endings, but as far as I can tell, the title isn’t saying that these are “romance stories” by the strict definition of the term; it’s just saying that the stories involve some form of romance.

    IMO, it’s a bit like how saying that a novel is thrilling doesn’t mean the same thing as if you say that the novel is a thriller. One’s a description, the other’s a genre.

    I agree with you that we need a separate term for romance-involving stories that don’t necessarily end happily. Part of the problem probably is how, among people in general, the term “romance novel” refers to every story that focuses on a romance, regardless of whether there’s a HEA or not. (Nicholas Sparks is probably the best current example.)

    That kinda thing is weird, honestly. On the one hand, any story about time travel is classified as a time travel story. On the other hand, few people would claim that any novel where a crime happens automatically qualifies as a crime novel.

  11. Jazzlet says:

    April in Paris is one of those lovely stories that you don’t forget.

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