Hello, everyone! As part of our 20th anniversary retrospective, we’d love to look back at one of our favorite features: the HaBO!
Do you have a favorite or memorable HaBO from the site? Did you ever buy a book based on a HaBO? Please tell us! We want to know all the things!
If you want to revisit the archives and see if you can crack some cold cases, you can find those here. You can also check out which HaBOs have been solved.
The first HABO I read was a question about a book where the mother-in-law hung pictures of Judith Holding the Head of Holofernes in every room. I was fascinated, in part because my name is Judith and the Judith in those paintings kicks ass. The answer was a book by Eloisa James and it was the first romance novel I’d ever read. So the person who asked that question wasn’t the only member of the bitchery you helped out.
Oh, this one’s easy: I learned about Anne Cleeland’s MURDER IN THRALL and Camille Monk’s SPOTLESS via HaBOs. The wilder the premise, the more likely I am to check out the book!
I fondly remember the days when the first person to identify a HABO was bestowed a wonderful title, like The Countess of Cuntington or The Duchess of Amorata or other fun silliness. It was my white whale, I SO wanted a Bitchery title of my very own. You could always bring those back… hint, hint!
@Judith I literally just went and found that post in the archives so I can read that book. Thanks for the recursive HABO.