This HaBO is from Gerry, who is hoping to find out whether this book is real:
I haven’t read this book, but it was casually referred to in another book, and it is driving me crazy. It is a romance novel. The main character is a physicist and she collects medieval assassins’ tools. It was mentioned in one of Ghost Mountain Pack books by Audrey Faye. I think it was in Shield, but it could have been in Sentinel. The way she mentioned it made me think it was a real book.
That’s it, that’s all I know, but I want to read it! I know it is a long shot, but can someone identify it? I just got obsessed with finding it. I know it is a longshot, and if you guys don’t recognize it, maybe I’ll try to contact her directly. I hate to bother authors, though.
The concept does sound very cool.
want to read, as well
Ok, both of those books are on Kindle Unlimited, and the reference is in Shield. They’re discussing selections from bear book club, and state that the last pick “was about a physicist who collected medieval assassin tools.” Unfortunately, there’s no more information that I could find. I did find a couple of lists of romances with physicist heroines.
FYI: Authors love to hear from readers who enjoyed their work.
I would write the author and ask. It can’t hurt and might help!
I would read this
I love that there’s a running thread through the later books that so many of the shifters are taking a college course on rebellious women in history. It makes me think that Audrey Faye has read Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History. So she may well have a real book in mind here!
I find this concept hilarious partly because “medieval assassins’ tools” are not a thing (I’m a medievalist.) I’m trying to imagine a world in which archaeologists could look at a dagger and say “Aha! this one is for Doing Secret Murder.” Also (because I am also a pedant, sorry), Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s “well-behaved women seldom make history” line is from a 1973 article about such ‘well-behaved women,’ and how historians underestimated them. It’s
free to read on the internet!
…Anyway, I really do hope the Bitchery finds this book!
@Lucy not to out-pedant you, but Professor Ulrich also published a book with that title in 2007:
@Lucy: Ok, but hear me out… if they were SECRET assassins, would current medievalists even know about their tools? (I’m kidding!) (Also: Tools.)
Ha! After re-reading the Witch Central series I don’t even know how many times, I finally broke down and tried the Ghost Mountain series …and ended up here because I was searching Google to find out the answer to the same question. Oh well, at least if Faye ever comes across this, she’ll know a whole bunch of us want to read that book?