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HaBO: Is This a Real Book?

This HaBO is from Gerry, who is hoping to find out whether this book is real:

I haven’t read this book, but it was casually referred to in another book, and it is driving me crazy. It is a romance novel. The main character is a physicist and she collects medieval assassins’ tools. It was mentioned in one of Ghost Mountain Pack books by Audrey Faye. I think it was in Shield, but it could have been in Sentinel. The way she mentioned it made me think it was a real book.

That’s it, that’s all I know, but I want to read it! I know it is a long shot, but can someone identify it? I just got obsessed with finding it. I know it is a longshot, and if you guys don’t recognize it, maybe I’ll try to contact her directly. I hate to bother authors, though.

The concept does sound very cool.


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  1. c t says:

    want to read, as well

  2. Jenna says:

    Ok, both of those books are on Kindle Unlimited, and the reference is in Shield. They’re discussing selections from bear book club, and state that the last pick “was about a physicist who collected medieval assassin tools.” Unfortunately, there’s no more information that I could find. I did find a couple of lists of romances with physicist heroines.

  3. Pamela Toler says:

    FYI: Authors love to hear from readers who enjoyed their work.

  4. Linnea says:

    I would write the author and ask. It can’t hurt and might help!

  5. Denise L says:

    I would read this

  6. LisaM says:

    I love that there’s a running thread through the later books that so many of the shifters are taking a college course on rebellious women in history. It makes me think that Audrey Faye has read Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History. So she may well have a real book in mind here!

  7. Lucy says:

    I find this concept hilarious partly because “medieval assassins’ tools” are not a thing (I’m a medievalist.) I’m trying to imagine a world in which archaeologists could look at a dagger and say “Aha! this one is for Doing Secret Murder.” Also (because I am also a pedant, sorry), Laurel Thatcher Ulrich’s “well-behaved women seldom make history” line is from a 1973 article about such ‘well-behaved women,’ and how historians underestimated them. It’s
    free to read on the internet!

    …Anyway, I really do hope the Bitchery finds this book!

  8. LisaM says:

    @Lucy not to out-pedant you, but Professor Ulrich also published a book with that title in 2007:

  9. @SB Sarah says:

    @Lucy: Ok, but hear me out… if they were SECRET assassins, would current medievalists even know about their tools? (I’m kidding!) (Also: Tools.)

  10. Kelly says:

    Ha! After re-reading the Witch Central series I don’t even know how many times, I finally broke down and tried the Ghost Mountain series …and ended up here because I was searching Google to find out the answer to the same question. Oh well, at least if Faye ever comes across this, she’ll know a whole bunch of us want to read that book?

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