Help A Bitch Out

HaBO: Did a Sequel Ever Come Out?

This HaBO is from Gina, who wants to find this romance:

I am submitting a HaBO about a book I can’t stop thinking about, but I have very little to go on. It was during my witch phase probably between 2010-2013. And unfortunately I can’t remember anything else, I just remember being really into it and wanting to read the sequel! I believe the main character has some kind of witchy powers. I know that she and the male lead character are searching for something that they don’t want to get into the hands of bad actors. I think it was set in Wales and I remember one scene was at some kind of outdoor fair and things go down at said event. It was set up as a cliffhanger but I don’t remember the sequel ever coming out. I think the cover might have been dark blue or black and had some kind of emblem on it. That’s all I’ve got. If this sparks something for you, let me know!

Could this be one of the witchy Nora Roberts titles?


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  1. quietOne says:

    Your description made me think of Dragon Fall by Katie Macalister. Part of the setting was at a fair, in Wales and a female protagonist with powers. I also recall kissing lessons by saying Welsh words/towns when lip-to-lip, but I may be mixing books.

  2. Rhiannon says:

    Here for the book info, unfortunately does not ring a bell.

  3. Mzcue says:

    Robin McKinley’s Sunshine is a PNR and has a FMC with witchy powers. It was very well received and fans kept waiting and hoping for a sequel. Keep waiting and hoping.

  4. Jane says:

    How about “A Discovery of Witches” by Deborah Harkness? It has a witch and a vampire, set in Oxford, blue cover with symbols, seems to be part of a series…

  5. I don’t think it’s a Nora Roberts, but if it was, it would be set in Ireland or a fantasy land that’s very Irish in flavor, rather than in Wales. I’m thinking maybe the Circle trilogy or the Cousins O’Dwyer series? The latter came out in 2013-14, but I’ve reread those at least 3-4 times and I don’t remember a scene at an outdoor fair.

    I’ll be following to see what it is, because Wales + witchy romance is definitely my catnip.

  6. Barb says:

    Thea Harrison published “American Witch” in the late 2010s and it was supposed to have been the first in a series, but she wrote on her blog later that it will be a standalone. A lot of the details differ from the HABO description, though, so I don’t think this is it (but the cover is blue!).

  7. denise says:

    Longshot, and Gloriamarie would know the book(s) content better, but there is a trilology called The Fury Triad. The first book is This Crumbling Pageant, the second is The Dead Shall Live, and the third is in limbo because the author suffered a medical issue which has prevented her from finishing Untune the Sky.

    It’s more magic/dark powers fantasy than witchy. But there were festivals, settings in Wales, Ireland, and England.

    No blue on the covers. Though on the second, she was wearing a teal dress.

  8. Tori says:

    Wondering if it’s the Janet Evanovich Lizzy and Diesel series? Third book was Wicked Business which had a blue cover and came out in 2012. The series was never finished. Here’s the description from goodreads, “Lizzy and Diesel take up his twenty-year quest for the Luxuria Stone, an ancient relic believed by some to be infused with the power of lust.”

  9. Emily says:

    I hope this is it ! I haven’t seen it mentioned & has a lot of those scenes “How to hang a witch” by Adrienne Mather about a highschool girl having to move to her dad’s hometown while going through changes in the home at school, -& ended up having a great ending for YA WITCHY then author tweeted a sequel would ve coming out “how to sink a ship” I believe & I pre-ordered but couldn’t get into it I do believe she planned another… It’s definitely the closest book I’ve read to like the best top movies not so cheesy I love ‍♀️‍♀️ spell/witch on the dark Side. And the cover is dark blue.

  10. Jenica says:

    I think they came out later, but it’s reminding me a bit of Keri Arthur’s Witch King series.

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