Best of Posts 2023

NB: This week, we’re taking a look back at some of our favorite and our most popular pieces of writing this year. We’ve got a week of best-of posts to share, with reviews, cover snark, and more. We hope you enjoy revisiting our archives, and most of all, we wish you and yours a wonderful holiday and a happy new year – with all the very best of reading.

Since we feature other things outside of reviews like HaBOs, Rec Leagues, and general opinion pieces, we wanted to look at what y’all really engaged with the most. I kept out sale posts and our regular new releases and Whatcha Reading columns.

Here’s the top five!

5. HaBO: One of Many Beauty & the Beast Historicals

This HaBO still remains unsolved. (Becky, if you’ve found your book, please let us know!) However, it did spawn some great suggestions in the comments and expect a Beauty and the Beast Rec League in 2024.

4. Books That Are a Really Fun Time

We love posts like this, similar to a Rec League, where we just throw reading recommendations around. I personally have this one bookmarked for when I’m in a “I have nothing to read!” mood.

3. HaBO: Heroine is Not the Hero’s First Choice 

A solved HaBO! Lots of comments on this one, with quite a few of the Bitchery knowing the answer. I love it when a community comes together! By the way, our record for fastest HaBO is two minutes.

2. Julie Garwood 1944-2023

Our post on the passing of romance legend, Julie Garwood, was one of our most viewed this year. It’s not a surprise, given how many romance readers picked up her books. The Bride was one of the first historical romances I read and it holds a special place in my heart.

1. Heather Armstrong, aka Dooce, has Died

We have a second “in memoriam” post in the top five and this one has been our most viewed page of the year (aside from the homepage). Sarah talks about Armstrong’s influence on her life and how Armstrong’s experiences with blogging have helped shape SBTB.

That’s our top five! Did you have a favorite post this year that really stood out to you? Or are there any features you just love reading?

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  1. Katie C. says:

    I am curious if Whatcha Reading were included, if any of them would hit the top 5 – it is my favorite feature/column!

  2. Star says:

    Sarah’s memorial essay for Dooce really deserves that top spot. I think it’s the strongest piece I’ve ever read here, and that’s saying something.

  3. Kareni says:

    This was a good post, and I particularly enjoyed revisiting Books That Are a Really Fun Time.

    @Katie C.: I’d be curious to know, too!

  4. Amanda says:

    The top three posts would still be the same but Whatcha Reading? February 2023, Part Two would rank 4th.

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