Links: Cheese, Whitney Houston, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Hey, everyone! It’s time to share some links!

I’m definitely on the more fatigued side this week and am eager for Sunday, where I have absolutely zero plans and I can just loaf around to my heart’s content. I don’t have any established Halloween plans, but we’re getting off of a big event at work and we’re all exhausted. To perk the office up, I’ve decided to wear a hot dog costume to our department meeting on Tuesday. I’m actually pretty pumped.

Any costume plans for you all? Or is it mostly a low-key night eating candy for you? There are no wrong answers!

Apparently there is more knitting drama afoot. It all started at the Wool and Folk event. More reviews came out. Then, there was not one, but two apologies! There’s also another Reddit post.

Are you in the New England area? Do you like cheese? Join me for a cheese pairing class, where we pair up cheese to romance genres! Tickets should be on sale and I believe there’s an option to get a book, as well.

I’m so excited for this. It was my New Year’s resolution to learn more about cheese and I’ve been taking a class a month at Curds & Co., a women owned and managed cheese shop. I wore a romance shirt to a class and floated the idea of doing a romance-themed class. The rest was history!

This Kickstarter for a game called Tavern Talk feels like it’d be of interest to the Bitchery! It’s a cozy visual novel where you play a barkeep in a town that’s often a stop over for adventurers.

Billboard staff has voted for the number one pop song, and I agree with their decision: “I Wanna Dance with Somebody” by Whitney Houston. You can learn all about how the song came to fruition here. Also, what’s the number one pop song in your hearts?

Don’t forget to share what cool or interesting things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Amanda L. says:

    Would love to hear all about the Romance Genre/Cheese pairings! That sounds like my idea of heaven!

  2. LML says:

    Crocodile Rock.

  3. Susan/DC says:

    When my oldest son was 3 or 4 he saw Whitney Houston perform on TV. He got close to the TV and sighed, “she’s so beautiful”. I think she was his first crush.

  4. Christine Canuck says:

    Would love to see the final pairings of cheese and romance genres. Wish I was closer and could attend!

  5. Crystal says:

    Number one pop song in my heart?

    Ngggghhh, that’s a hard one, but I’m going with Into the Groove by Madonna. Today, anyway. That could change tomorrow. Or later today. Or in 5 minutes.

  6. EC Spurlock says:

    No costumes for Halloween, but I’m cosplaying at an anime con all weekend! I usually do Edna Mode because I kinda look like her, but this year I decided to mix it up a little so I’m spending one day as the Wicked Witch from Snow White. I just finished making my Poison Apple (with green cookie frosting over a Fuji) and I’m looking forward to terrorizing all the Disney Princesses tomorrow!

  7. Karin says:

    That’s a great song, but what about Bon Jovi, “Livin’ on a Prayer”?

  8. Katie says:

    I love halloween, and pre-kids I would always go full out on making my own costume. Once my first kid arrived I would still make costumes for everybody (me, hubby, kiddo) Her first Halloween she was a soot sprite, and hubby was Totoro and I was Mae, her second halloween she was a construction worker and we were a gender-bend Chip and Joanne Gaines 😀 (He’s asian and I’m ginger, so it worked lol). Her 3rd Halloween I was pretty pregnant so she was Pinkalicious and we were “adults”. Quite sad. 2nd kidd’s first halloween was 2020… so I haven’t really dressed up since 2018, which makes me so so sad. (They were Astronauts in 2020, Minnie and Daisy in 2021, Alpha-pig (super why) and Margaret Tiger (Daniel Tiger) in 2022, and this year they are both Ghost Spider (Spider Gwen/Spiderman).

    I look forward to a time where I have the spoons to do costumes for all again.

    We are going trick or treating in our neighborhood. Kit Kats are my mom tax of choice 🙂

  9. Amanda says:

    @Katie: I loved hearing about your family’s costumes! I especially loved the Ghibli set.

  10. Katie says:

    @amanda One year my hubby and I dressed up as Russell and Kevin from UP. I hand appliqued every since badge for his Wilderness Explorer Sash, and my kevin costume was 80% a massive tulle tutu 😀

  11. ReadKnitSnark says:

    Wow, I did not know about the W&F clusterfuck. (Probably because I just don’t pay attention to Rhinebeck-adjacent stuff unless a knitting podcaster I follow mentions it—and they haven’t, yet.) Just, wow.

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