Lightning Reviews: Hockey, Superheroes, & More

Rejoice! We have some Lightning Reviews this Sunday and wow, what an assortment.

We have some medical non-fiction and a new YA graphic novel with a Jewish superhero. We also have a hockey romance from one of our reviewer’s favorite series!


author: Lydia Kang

After I reviewed Opium and Absinthe by Lydia Kang, M.D., one of our commenters requested that I review Lydia Kang’s nonfiction book, Quackery: A Brief History of the Worst Ways to Cure Everything (co-written by Nate Pedersen). Well, gosh, it’s a sacrifice, but if I MUST read a book full of weird historical semi-medical remedies for things like Bubonic Plague, well, then I guess I must.

I do it for you, Bitches.

Quackery is what I call a good bathroom book. It has tiny short sections in the event that one’s visit to the lavatory is a brief one, but is interesting enough to hold my attention when I’m trapped there for a long time (I have medical issues, none of which I plan to treat with any of the cures mentioned in this book). If I MUST spend so much time upon the porcelain throne, I like to at least leave with the satisfaction of knowing that I learned something while I was there, such as the fact that Hitler consumed a lot of mercury orally and had chamomile tea enemas. Would history have been different if he had ditched the mercury and drank the tea?

The most glaring flaw of the book is that it is both too much and not enough of a good thing. The book has generously-sized type and a lot of illustrations, but it still only comes to 330 pages. The chapters are “The Elements,” “Plants and Soil,” “Tools,” “Animals,” and “Mysterious Powers,” with 5 – 8 subheadings in each chapter. This means that the reader gets a little information about a lot of topics, and I would have liked for the book to go more in depth in every section. There is an index, but I could have used a dictionary as well. Most medical terms are explained in the course of the book, but a few fell through the cracks.

On the other hand, this book does include some sublime illustrations, assuming that one considers drawings of amputation techniques to be sublime. I’m especially fond of the illustration detailing the anatomy of leeches, which are still used (sparingly) today. The book isn’t exactly gory (given all that bloodletting, not much blood actually appears in the pages), but the photos of surgical instruments are terrifying. Also of note: the reader gets a close-up view of scrofula growths, so this is not a book for the squeamish.

I recommend this book to people who enjoy trivia, the stranger the better, in the areas of history, science vs. pseudoscience, and medicine. This book works especially well if you want something that’s easy to pick up and put down, and that will neither insult your intelligence nor make you work too hard. I wish this book had gone more in depth with regard to its many, barely detailed topics, but it works well as an entry point for hours of Googling.

Quackery was written prior to the COVID-19 epidemic, but it is horrifyingly relevant as contemporary modern quackery abounds and flourishes. The field of medicine is constantly changing, but some things have been definitively proven, using the highest standards of testing and investigation. Seeing where we’ve been and how far we’ve come in terms of improving medical treatment and disease prevention through short pieces of history was very reassuring.

Carrie S

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Role Model

author: Rachel Reid

I love Rachel Reid’s work, particularly this series. I’ve reviewed Common Goal and read a couple others in the Gamechangers series. I’m delighted to report that this book was lovely while I read it. I devoured it in a single sitting and I smiled goofily while reading it, but as soon as the book was complete, I all but forgot about it. And sometimes that’s exactly what I want from a book: a few glorious hours of distraction and then no lingering book hangover.

Troy Barrett is a dickhead and that’s a pretty widely accepted fact, until he stands up to his best friend who has been accused of sexual assault. The video of this confrontation goes viral and Troy finds himself traded to the worst hockey team in the League: the Ottawa Centaurs. Troy wasn’t wrong, but he challenged the status quo and this is his punishment for finally not being a dickhead.

When Troy meets Harris Drover, the Centaur’s social media manager, it’s not a case of sparks flying. Troy is completely blindsided by how comfortable Harris is with his own sexuality. The initial interactions between Harris and Troy are wonderfully awkward, and the more Troy interacts with Harris, the more Troy evolves from this seemingly bigoted hockey player to an out-and-proud gay man. It’s the emotional growth underpinning this transformation that was so wonderful to read.

The conflict between them is minimal, as the story is mostly focused on Troy’s personal evolution. There’s no bleak moment or dire problem; spending time with the characters themselves provided the momentum to keep me reading.

This is a series that to a limited extent builds on itself, so it is worth reading the books in order. You’ll be able to catch up with characters from previous novels and their extended HEAs are a joy. But it is also true that I’ve not read these books in order, nor have I read all the books in the series. While this negatively affects my reading experience slightly, I wouldn’t describe it as a massive barrier. So if you haven’t read the others, you’ll be fine. And if you need an afternoon of quiet smiling into a book that hums with emotional sincerity and growth, then this is the book for you.


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author: E. Lockhart

Whistle is the latest YA Graphic novel from DC, and like other books in this run it emphasizes social justice and inclusion. In this book, a Jewish high school student takes care of her mom (who has cancer), works at an animal shelter, attends school, flirts with a cute boy, and participates in protests to try to keep gentrification from erasing her neighborhood of Down River in Gotham City.

Her life changes when she meets E. Nigma and his friend Pammie Isley, and then starts working for E.Nigma. In this capacity she makes big money, but also realizes that E.Nigma is gentrifying her neighborhood and that she is complicit because she works for him.

Will Willow fight for her community? GUESS!

Willow stands in front of her school holding a sign that says Tell City Hall to Fund Our Schools!

Yes! She will!

I enjoyed this book for daring to show that Willow is not a perfect saint and that E. Nigma and Pammie Isley are charming and genuinely friendly. However, the real draw of this comic is Willow’s bond with Lebowitz, a Great Dane that becomes her loyal sidekick. This is a really fun story for anyone who loves dogs. Although there is a scene in which Willow and Lebowitz are both hurt, they recover with some new and special abilities that lead to hilarity.

The art by Manuel Peitano is bright, active, and realistic, full of city grime but also bright colors and fashion. If Lebowitz will forgive me for saying so, this is a pure catnip book – I’m just never NOT going to love a superhero who rides a skateboard to crime scenes and whistles for backup from all the dogs in town (hence her superhero name, Whistle).

Willow in her costume of black and white pants and jacket, looks over the city from a rooftop along with Leobowitz, a white Great Dane. Willow's thought text says Eventually I figure it out while Dog says I love my new logo collar. We look so fine right now.

The book is solid fun, which frankly I need more of these days anyway. But I felt that, even for a superhero comic, too many plot points remained dangling. It’s common for superhero stories to end with cliffhangers, but this story felt different. Instead of leaving with a plot cliffhanger, it wrapped up a full origin story character arc except for the most important plot points – Willow struggles to make time for romance and she struggles with having to lie to everyone around her. Also, can you really fight armed, organized criminals by using kickboxing, pepper spray and earnest speeches? I am dubious, and also concerned for the safety of our young crime fighter.

I recommend this as a fun read that tackles some big issues but remains optimistic in tone. I especially recommend it to dog people. We do get to hear Lebowitz’s inner thoughts and they are a treat!

Carrie S

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  1. Carrie G says:

    It’s true you don’t have to read the Game Changers books by Rachel Reid in order, I didn’t actually read the first one until I’d read books 2-4, but I do recommend reading books 2-4 before this one. Book 2, Heated Rivalry, is most readers’ favorite of the series so far, and in it we’re introduced to Ilya Romanov and Shane East. Ilya pops up in several of the other books, and features prominently in Role Model since he is the captain of the Ottawa team. Some of what happens will make more sense if you know his backstory. Plus there is some foreshadowing of book five, The Long Game, which is out next year and will finally bring us back around to Ilya and Shane.

  2. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    @Carrie G: I agree with your recommendation that the Game Changer books should be read in order for maximum enjoyment (although I read HEATED RIVALRY first). By the way, THE LONG GAME will actually be the sixth book (and final) book in the Game Changer series—in which, I assume, Shane & Ilya will come out as a couple.

    @Lara: I liked ROLE MODEL a little more than you did. I thought that, while the central relationship was relatively drama-free, the story addressed a number of tough subjects including toxic masculinity and why, in general, the narrative is not to believe women who have been sexually-assaulted by athletes.

  3. DonnaMarie says:

    Talking Great Dane and The Riddler? I am in!

  4. Sarah says:

    Book 2 in this series is my favorite and probably stands alone better than the other books.

    I am very interested in those characters and hope their second book is low angst.

  5. HeatherS says:

    What I liked about “Role Model” (besides Harris the complete and utter cinnamon roll and Ilya’s Christmas puppy photo shoot) was how Troy began to face the effects of toxic masculinity in his life. He was acting like a jerk because his father is a jerk, and he’d made friends with the biggest jerk on his team. Troy becomes more self-aware as he starts publicly standing up for women and believing survivors of r@pe and assault, which makes him a target for online backlash from misogynists.

    He starts to realize that he didn’t pick good friends, that his dad was not a good example, and that he doesn’t want to be like his dad. He makes realistic blunders that come with unlearning a lifetime of bad behavior, but he also has the guts to apologize and keep trying to do better, not for praise but because he genuinely wants to be a better person. I think I would put “Role Model” right after “Heated Rivalry” as my favorite in this series because of Troy’s character growth.

    Also, “The Long Game” has a mass market paperback format option for preorder on Amazon, which means Carina/Harlequin might FINALLY be giving the people what they want: this series in paperback!

  6. Carrie G says:

    @ DiscoDollyDeb- I realized after I hit “post”that I’d screwed up the numbering! 🙂

    @HeatherS- I would also put Role Model as my second favorite of he series so far, and for many of the same reasons you mentioned– including Ilya and the puppy! I also really liked Tough Guy (#3), especially for it’s presentation of anxiety disorder and the very real side effects of medication. I like that Reid deals with some topics rarely covered in romance novels.

  7. HeatherS says:

    @Carrie G – I have mixed feelings when I see things like anxiety and depression covered in romance. On the one hand, it’s nice to feel seen. On the other, seeing the character deal with those emotions sometimes makes me end up with an episode of one or both. I read romance to get away from those feelings, so it’s rare that I can really enjoy or even read a book at all where dealing with anxiety/depression is a big plot point.

  8. cleo says:

    Role Model was the first Rachel Reid that I completely enjoyed. It’s by far my favorite in the series. I’ve read #2 and I think it was #3 and I could follow along pretty well.

    I’m in the minority but I really disliked Heated Rivalry- I couldn’t connect to either character and I got bored by all the angry sex.

    I also really enjoyed Troy’s character growth. It might be a little unrealistic but it was so, so emotionally satisfying.

  9. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    @Cleo: to each her own of course, but I don’t think of the sex in HEATED RIVALRY as hate sex and/or angry sex, I think of it more as baffled sex, in that both Shane (who suspects that he is gay, but has never had sex with a man before) and Ilya (who is bi and has had sex with at least one man before) are utterly baffled by their feelings (sexual and emotional) for each other. I love how Reid shows the sex scenes over a ten-year period evolving from scratch-an-itch hookups to deeply emotional experiences.

  10. Plumyum says:

    Can anyone comment on how in-depth the sexual assault aspect of the ROLE MODEL plot is? I’ve really enjoyed the series so far but don’t want to read anything super triggering.

  11. Lovesotters says:

    Plumyum, it is off page and pretty general. Troy believes the women but does not get into specifics of Dallas’s crimes.

  12. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    @Plumyum: reference is made to charges of sexual assault made by several women against one of Troy’s former teammates (assaults Troy did not witness but has no trouble believing took place), but I do not recall anything was described in detail—although there are conversations about how victims who come forward are both vilified and never believed. It’s a serious element of the plot, but I don’t think it overwhelms the story.

  13. Lovesotters says:

    Reid does include social media comments on Troy’s actions that are misogynistic and dismissive of women, though. And there’s homophobia…

  14. Plumyum says:

    @Lovesotters and @DiscoDollyDeb – thanks for the guidance! I appreciate it!

  15. Carrie G says:

    @cleo, I’ve read Heated Rivalry several times, and I really didn’t get that “angry sex” vibe. I do think Ilya was trying to make it “detached sex,” though, so he could keep Shane at arm’s length, and I guess that could come across as angry. Anyway, I’m not saying you’re wrong about it, just that it’s interesting that readers can see and feel things so differently about the same book.

  16. Lisa F says:

    I need to read Quackery and the Reid; I trust everyone’s assessment that the latter’s good.

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