Links: Dune, Emails, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.Settle in for some Wednesday Links! I feel like it’s a been a slow “cool things on the Internet” week, or maybe I’ve just been traveling too much to keep up. It could also been both! Both is a very real possibility. Thankfully, I get a break from traveling until the end of July for RWA.

Harlequin has established Harlequin Studios, which aims to adapt their titles for TV and film. Because Harlequin has its headquarters based in Canada, they already have a deal with CTV. Not sure what this means for content coming to the U.S.

Warner Bros. will be launching its own streaming service and one of the productions on their list is Dune: The Sisterhood and will focus on the Bene Gesserit. Director Denis Villeneuve who did Arrival will be directing the pilot. He’s also the director for the upcoming Dune adaptation.

The 2020 Olympics are being held in Japan and a lovely group of artists have personified world flags in anticipation. There’s also a hashtag on Twitter for more people to contribute fanart.

I found these email tips to be incredibly helpful! It has some great alternatives for commonly used email phrases like “just wanted to check in” and “no problem.”

You have to read these three connected Twitter threads. They’ll all make sense once you’re done reading all three. CW/TW for parental death and murder.

Thread one

Thread two

Thread three

What a story, right?


Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Hope says:

    Harlequin had a series of TV movies in the 80s based on their books starring famous TV actors and some of them I LOVED – one starred Rick Springfield and one starred Emma Samms and Catherine Oxenburg.

  2. Lara says:

    I want to be excited about the Bene Gesserit miniseries, and I know it’s a long series of steps between announcement and production. That said, there’s one woman mentioned as being involved. And one of the writers is best-known for writing “Passengers”, aka “Generation-Ship Stalking in Space”. Get some women writing and directing your series about powerful women, please.

  3. DiscoDollyDeb says:

    Two things I found interesting. The first—Jennifer Weiner talks about writing sex scenes inspired by her mother (a wife & mother who came out in middle-age):

    The second—an analysis of women’s rage. The focus seems to be post-menopausal. I’m there, but mileage may vary for you youngsters:

  4. Darlynne says:

    The Olympic flags as Samurai are amazing. I think the Irish guy was looking right at me.

    SixthFormPoet is an automatic follow.

    @DiscodollyDeb: The Darcey Steinke essay is glorious, horrifying and absolutely true. “No studies exist that test menopause’s connection with anger.” Yes, well, just ask those of us living it. The place and time for anger are whatever a woman needs it to be, IMO. Thank you.

  5. BellaInAus says:

    Why does the Australian flag look like Chris Hemsworth? What’s wrong with Hugh Jackman? Or Nicole Kidman? Or CATE BLANCHET? She’d be so kickass.

  6. EC Spurlock says:

    I love the World Flags site. Better than Hetalia!

  7. EC Spurlock says:

    From and the Nebula awards, a speech on gaming, cultural identity and learning to see through each others’ eyes:

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