Help A Bitch Out - SOLVED!

HaBO: Dramatic Reading Breaks a Table

You did it! We figured this one out! It is a truth universally acknowledged (by me for certain) that the Bitchery pretty much knows everything, and really, it's true. Scroll down to see the solution for this HaBO - and many thanks!

This HaBO comes from Barbara, who is looking for a historical romance:

It isn’t much, but here’s what I remember.

I think it’s a series. Perhaps set during the Regency period.

Many characters are reading a series of novels about a woman who finds herself in outlandishly dramatic and dangerous situations. One of the characters in the series—I think it’s a man—is secretly the author of these novels.

In one scene in particular, one of the characters in the series gives a dramatic reading from one of the silly novels while standing on a small table that I think breaks under his weight.

I can’t remember the name of the series, the book, or even the author.

Secret authorship isn’t entirely uncommon in historical romances, but perhaps the scene mentioned will jog some memories.


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  1. SusanH says:

    I’m pretty sure something like this happens in one of Julia Quinn’s novels, possibly relating to her Miss Butterworth and the Mad Baron stories (a fictional set of novels that is referenced repeatedly throughout her novels). I can’t remember which one the table jumping happens in, though.

  2. SusanH says:

    After a quick Google, I think it’s What Happens in London.

  3. Emily says:

    That’s a Julia Quinn! Ten Things I Love About You? I know Sebastian is involved somehow.

  4. Kristen says:

    Miss Butterworth and the Mad Baron!

    I think it’s Sebastian from Julia Quinn’s “What Happens in London.”

    A HILARIOUS scene. Maybe I’ll reread it tonight…

  5. Sue says:

    Julia Quinn’s What Happens in London.

  6. Emily says:

    I’ve changed my vote to What Happens in London! I think that means it’s time to reread the series, lol.

  7. cleo says:

    Hah! For once I know one. Add me to list of people who thinks it’s What Happens in London by Julia Quinn – probably my favorite by her.

  8. MMcA says:

    Also, ‘Miss Butterworth’ is to be released as a graphic novel. I don’t normally read graphic novels, and I’m doubtful it could be as good as the version in my head, but I’m undoubtedly going to buy it.

  9. Sue says:

    You’re all right! It’s definitely Julia Quinn’s ” What Happens in London”! The person standing on the table is in the next book ” Ten Things I Love about You ” if I remember correctly! both books were a lot of fun! I’d love to read the graphic novel!

  10. Margaret says:

    So glad everyone else was able to pick it out of their memory banks so quickly! I knew I had read it as soon as I read the HABO, but I figured it would take me at least several minutes to figure out which book it had come from. Bravo, Bitchery!! Though this wakens a memory of another . . . ? series? in which a particular gothic novel kept appearing, making me eager to read the fictional gothic novel as well. Can anyone help me remember what I’m thinking of??

  11. Barbara says:

    Thank you all!

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