Help A Bitch Out

HaBO: Heroine Paints Portraits of Houston Socialites

This HaBO is from Saxony, who is looking for an older contemporary romance:

I’m looking for a contemporary romance from the late 70s/early 80s.

The heroine is divorced, I believe, with an unpleasant ex. I can’t remember if she has kids, but it’s a possibility. So she might have been a stay at home mom before the divorce, and she’s struggling to get established.

Her main job might be something else, but she paints and takes portrait commissions from wealthy Houston socialites. She meets stereotypical rich guy, who is probably in the oil biz or something you’d expect from the time period and location. He’s the western-chic type. She goes to high society gatherings with him, but at one point realizes she’s not going to be able to maintain. She has a limited wardrobe and everyone has already seen her one Halston gown and, also, having one of her portraits is getting kind of passé.

I can’t remember the conflict beyond that, maybe ex tries to get back in the picture, but of course she and Rich Cowboy Chic end up together. It’s pretty cheesy to be honest, but it’s driving me crazy not remembering the name.

I’m dying to know Rich Cowboy Chic’s name. Do you think it’s Tex? Duke?


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  1. Lisa F says:

    This feels like it could be a Silhoutte. I feel like I read it used at some point in my youth! Will go digging.

  2. Saxony says:

    Thank you so much for posting this! I feel compelled to say I didn’t buy this. It was my mom’s. Reading her Kathleen Woodiwiss books is what got me started on trashy romance novels, lol. A little bit of information I just considered–my mom was going through a divorce at the time, so I have a feeling that a friend was trying to give her some hope that everything would work out in the end. That being said, it wouldn’t be a super steamy book, most likely. I don’t remember any big sex scenes. It wasn’t the inspirational type, but it was fairly tame, if I remember correctly. I don’t know why this cheesy novel has been bugging me for years, but there it is. Thanks again for posting and or all to try and help!(And Tex and Duke–snerk. I don’t think it was THAT bad, but you’re probably not far off.)

  3. Lisa F says:

    @Saxony – ahh, you threw me off my game. Silhouette were mildly spicy, but not as spicy as the Desire line was back then, so maybe it might be?

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