June Movie Selection: Say Anything

Grab your boombox and crank up the Peter Gabriel because this month’s Smart Bitches Movie Matinee selection is Say Anything (1989)!

If you’re like me, the opening notes of In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel hits a really squishy, vulnerable spot in your chest. I have several memories of dim and terrible school dances, doing what I call “The 8th Grade Sway,” which is when you dance awkwardly with someone standing arm’s length apart, swaying stiffly back and forth. This film had a sizable impact on my young developing brain, and on what I came to consider romantic – so I’m really curious to watch it again so many years later and see if the same things that got to me back then still give me all the feels.

John Cusack and Lloyd Dobler holding boombox over his head in front of old crappy car in iconic scene

Say Anything is available for around $3-4 to rent and $12-15 to buy digitally on iTunes, Google:Play, and Amazon, and the DVD can be found at your local library, or cheaply online in new and used condition from Amazon or Alibris.

Join us Sunday, June 26, for our discussion of Say Anything!

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  1. ElizA says:

    Squee alert! One of my all time favorite movies. I can’t wait!

  2. mel burns says:

    Just thinking about Lloyd standing there holding the boom box makes me weep. John Cusak is the heart of that movie.

  3. Lora says:

    Love it so hard. The Cameron Crowe dialogue, the guy next door who really *sees* the reserved smart girl, the humor and the pathos and the million quotable lines (“I’m inCARcerated, Lloyd!”) and the heart stopping romance. Seriously, when they’re in the backseat of that car, my sixteen year old self who rented it did not BREATHE.

  4. Elena says:

    Sarah, you summed up my feels about this movie exactly. I don’t think my daughters will understand why “In Your Eyes” will always hold a special place in my heart.

  5. Margarita says:

    A happy case of a scene doing absolute justice to a beautiful song. Sigh

  6. elaanfaun says:

    O man, I was just thinking about this movie. John Cusak is my movie star boyfriend, almost entirely because of this movie alone.

  7. Karin says:

    I love this movie and John Cusack. So much.

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