Win a Copy of It Had to Be You by Jill Shalvis

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Book It Had to be YouJill Shalvis has offered up 10 digital copies and 10 paperback copies of It Had to Be You ( A | BN | KiB ), the latest in her Lucky Harbor series.

Here's the description: 

Ali Winters is not having a good day. Her boyfriend left her, everyone in town thinks she's a thief, and now she's about to be kicked out of her home. Her only shot at keeping a roof over her head and clearing her name is to beg for help from a police detective who's as sexy as he is stern….

After a high-profile case goes wrong, Luke Hanover returns to his hometown for some peace and quiet. Instead he finds a bombshell brunette in a heap of trouble. As he helps Ali put her world back together, the pieces of Luke's own life finally seem to fall into place. Is this the start of a sizzling fling? Or are Luke and Ali on the brink of something big in a little town called Lucky Harbor?

One of the repeating themes of the book is happiness. The heroine had a rough start in life, and despite a lot of insecurity, both internal and external, she is determined to be okay. The beginning of the book lines up a whole series of problems for her to face, and she refuses to back down and stop trying to create a life for herself. Her optimism is a powerful thing.

The quotes people have highlighted from the book illustrate that, too. I like this one: 

“I’m not defined by someone I thought I was dating, Luke, or what I do for a living. I’m not defined by what people think of me. My happiness comes from within….”

So, here's a question for you: what makes you happy? When you're feeling crappy or burned low, what reboots you and makes you feel happy and sure again? Share your happymaking tip (NOT THAT ONE) (OK FINE IF YOU WANT) in the comments, and you're entered to win.

Please also let me know if you want digital or print – or either.

The comments will close at noon on Sunday 16 June, and I'll announce the winners then. 

Standard disclaimers apply: I'm not being compensated for this giveaway. Void where prohibited. Open to US and Canadian residents to the extent permitted by applicable law. Must be over 18 and wearing galoshes to win. Notwithstanding anything hereinafter to the contrary, the contest shall nonetheless be conducted as heretofore described thereupon. Action figures sold separately. 

I hope this giveaway makes you happy – and that, if you win a copy, the book does, too. 

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  1. Cheryl McInnis says:

    Sometimes I will book a random day off work when I know my husband and kids won’t be home, and I’ll eat junk food and sit in the chair and read all day. That’s it; no housework, no cooking, no laundry etc. It is just what I need to chill out and carry on with my normal life. I’d be happy with digital or print. Thanks 🙂

  2. Stephanie H says:

    I’m happiest when playing with my corgi, Pumpkin. Or having my cat purr while lying on my chest.

  3. Lisa says:

    Playing in my garden is my peaceful happy time.  Planting bright annuals always puts a smile on my face.

  4. Abby says:

    now that the weather is nice, i’m really enjoying reading on my balcony with a cold glass of wine. i like it in the rain, too. would love either print or digital, if i get lucky. thank you!

  5. Lisa J says:

    I bake something, cookies, a cake, pie, whatever.  Then I call my nephews and they come over and take it home.  The benefits are, I get to bake (I love that), I’m not eating all the fattening stuff (just some), plus I get to see my boys and their little ones.

  6. tikaanidog says:

    going out on our quads with my husband, and enjoying some incredible scenery 🙂

  7. Rij says:

    Shopping. Classic retail therapy, especially in a good bookstore, but someplace that sells quality yarn or fabrics works almost as well.

  8. Christina says:

    Cuddling up with a cat and some ice cream and a good book. Or the husband and a netflix marathon (ice cream and cat still included!).

    Ebook or print are both great!

  9. Jen says:

    Honestly a good romance novel makes me happy! Preferably if it’s read in the middle of the day (indulgent!).

  10. Rebe says:

    The DH is a home body, so I love to make him get out and do different things, like go to the symphony or take me to a museum. I like print or ebooks.

  11. When I’m in the dumps I’ll either pick up a favorite book to revisit, or call my BFF and tell her it’s road trip time to find a new restaurant to try out.  Failing that I just get in the car and go for a long drive.

    I prefer print books.

  12. rube says:

    This is a nice question to think about. A good long shower, preferably after a run, is generally enough. A book to look forward to can also make me pretty happy.  😉  Digital is my poison these days.

  13. Katie says:

    A good, tight hug from my husband works wonders. Barring that, sometimes a wee nap, even just 15 minutes. It’s amazing how much that can recharge and refresh me and help me see things in a new light.

    Print, ebook, they’re all good.

  14. Lyla Bellatas says:

    I’m happiest hanging with my husband and daughter laughing and goofing.

  15. Sandra Hall says:

    I’m happiest when the day is over and my family is all at home together. Doesn’t matter if we are watching TV or outside enjoying the warm weather as long as we are all there. No company and no phones. I always think about the fact it won’t be long and the kids will be grown and out on their own we need to treasure the time we have left with them being kids.

  16. Helen says:

    When I’m feeling low, snuggling my cat always cheers me up!  <3

    I prefer digital.

  17. Mireille says:

    My family is what makes me the happiest – going out to the park with the toddler, hugging my husband, calling my mom on the phone, watching TV with my best friend (totally counts as family!) – all guaranteed pick-me-ups. Good books, good TV shows and good food are also marvelous.

    I’d prefer digital, please!

  18. Kris A says:

    I’m happiest when I have accomplished something that HAS to get done and I realize I have some free time.  Free time to read, to work on my stained glass projects, to go for a walk or bike ride, to have some outside time with the dog.  I don’ t have an e-reader so print works best for me.

  19. Katie Lynn says:

    My happy time is a great audiobook and my knitting. My two loves together, reading and crafting. It’s incredibly soothing.

  20. Aarann Kincheloe says:

    You mean besides winning free books by awesome authors?  I’d say time to myself, spent knitting or reading a book, makes me happy.

  21. Katie Ann says:

    I sometimes save much anticipated books for when I really need to cheer up (or get out of a bad book slump).  Or rewatch one of my go-to movies (lately I’ve been switching between “Pitch Perfect” and “The Avengers”).

    Digital por favor.

  22. Amelia says:

    A mini-retreat into a really good book, or a while spent quilting, or a nap… but the best of all is a night in with my favorite guy 😉

  23. Janet S says:

    Walking. Through countryside or cities or around the block. Alone or with the dog or with the whole family.

  24. Julaine says:

    What makes me happy?  I’m a pretty simple creature, as long as the people that I love are all doing good and behaving themselves then I’m happy. Because you know that saying “When mama’s unhappy, No one is happy….Well, let’s just say they strive to see that I’m happy most EVERY day.  But if I had to be pressed for what makes for a extra special feeling of happiness?  I never turn down a good book and some quiet time to myself to enjoy it.

    Digital. I am a digital girl. I love my electronic library.

  25. CateS says:

    When I was still working, lunch hour reading always made me happy.  I love print!

  26. may says:

    What makes me happy?  Kisses and hugs from my daughter without me asking!

    Printed books are still the best!

  27. LSUReader says:

    Playing with my grandchildren is a sure-fire method to guarantee my happiness.

    I’ll take either kind of book, but would prefer digital.

  28. Erica Moore says:

    Dancing in my kitchen to “Blister in the Sun” by Violent Femmes is an instant hit of happy. If I need a more sustained happy high, I read something by Jennifer Crusie or look at pictures of puppies. Listening to my hubby sing “Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake (he does this insanely goofy spoken word version that has me rolling on the floor every single time he does it) is pretty amazing. Saying the weird words, or normal words in a weird way makes me giggle. Twat waffle, for example. All those f’s and w’s make it the most adorable insult ever. Sorbet buffet (in a faintly British accent, and pronouncing the t’s) is good for about 30 minutes of sustained laughing at myself. Oh yes, I am a dork.

    Digital, because my hubby doesn’t want to buy more bookshelves. 🙂

  29. Valeri says:

    If i need a pick me up, going to the beach for a walk does it for me. It clears my mind and replenishes me.


  30. Morgan says:

    1.) Jill Shalvis novels
    2.) Dancing to music in my underwear. Works every time 🙂

  31. Joy says:

    Honestly, I don’t think I have the stay-in-a-funk-for-a long-time gene. If I’m down, I bounce back pretty quickly.(I’m well named, I guess.)Hugs from Hubby certainly help.

    What makes me happy is time spent with hubby or bonding with friends – be they real life or in a book.

  32. Zoe Morgan says:

    Taking my daughters to. The library and watching them load up on books. It makes me so happy knowing I’ve created little readers, and that one of the things that brings me joy (reading) will bring them joy for years to come.

  33. Joy says:

    Oops forgot to say, I’d love digital, should I be so lucky.

  34. megsan says:

    dancing would be my answer. let’s you shake off any antsy-ness and i love moving and feeling music that reflects my mood

    a digital copy would be preferable

  35. Heather Joyce says:

    A little cheese, a little wine, and a little QI with my best friend.  Digital is great.

  36. Lara says:

    A long bubble bath with a good book I keep topping up the water with my toes! Baby is asleep… ahh Now that’s a moment in my day when I am really happy
    Digital is my game! Thanks

  37. kkw says:

    Does it make me a bad person that my first thought was liquor?

    Given that I’m itinerant for the foreseeable future (whatever that means), digital would be considerably easier.

  38. Kam says:

    I have a severely handicapped son who has had a tough year medically. He had spinal surgery in December and only recently has he started smiling and laughing again.  When I heard him giggle for the first time in six months nothing could have made me happier!

  39. marly says:

    Reading makes me happy.

  40. Lozza says:

    When I’m overwhelmed or pissy or sad, I head for one of my nearest used bookstores and it has an amazing restorative effect 🙂

    I’d love either print or digital!

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