Help A Bitch Out

Help a Bitch Out: The Worst Book Ever

Bitchery reader Lisa wants to commit a treasonous act of cruelty. So she asks our help. Duh.

I have long since been impressed with ability of the Bitchery to identify titles from the merest scraps of information.  Now, I find myself in need of their encyclopedic knowledge.

Some backstory; every year, my best friend and I celebrate the anniversary of when … well, when we became best friends.  Part of this celebration includes sending each other a tasteful floral arrangement and the tackiest gift we can possibly find.  I would like to give her a copy of one of the worst books I’ve ever read—not THE worst, because that would be a Cassie Edwards title, and the gift is supposed to be tacky, not cruel.  Unfortunately, I can only remember certain plot elements of this book, few names, and of course, I have no idea who the author was or what it was called.  It wasn’t even a proper romance, it was more along the lines of a ‘saga book’ in which there is a main family and multiple plot lines.

Here is what little I remember:

– I have a strong impression that it was part of a series
– I have a strong impression it took place on an island, possibly in the West Indies.  I seem to remember sugar cane.
– The daughter of the main family was kidnapped during a slave revolt, and ended up living with an escaped slave.  I believe her name was Melissa.  She dies before the end of the book, but her son by the slave comes to see her family at the very end.
– The husband of that family has a slave mistress, who is pregnant at the same time the man’s wife is supposedly pregnant.  After the mistress gives birth, the wife kills her and passes off the baby boy as her own (she was faking her pregnancy).  Later on, for reasons I don’t remember (she may have had another son) she sells the boy into slavery.
– There was a recently widowed father, whose wife was half-African, the product of an impetuous daughter of the ruling house who took a slave for a lover.  The daughter had two children who were ashamed of their mother’s heritage.
– There was a lot of sex, and a lot of violence, and it was truly a terribly written book
– I remember reading it in the mid-eighties, but I think it was a used copy my mom got from the used bookstore, so it’s likely older than that.

If the Bitchery can help me discover the name of this awful book, I would be forever grateful.  With any luck, I may be able to track it down, but if not, there’s always Cassie Edwards.

Man, just reading that description leaves me in despair. Yeesh. Poor friend.


Help a Bitch Out

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  1. DS says:

    Sounds like something by Lance Horner or Kyle Onstott (or both of them together).

  2. Molly says:

    Sounds sorta like the Mandingo stuff?

  3. Lisa says:

    Molly and DS—the Mandingo/Onstott reference really isn’t too far off the mark.  I’ll have to check out the Lance Horner guy.

    And yeah, I know this sounds like a weird gift for a best friend, but it’ll at least be more useful than the set of Lucha Libre bobbleheads she got me last year.

    Thanks for putting my request up, SB Sarah!  If the bitchery can’t help me, no one can!


  4. DS says:

    Maybe Christopher Nicole also.  His early books were set in the West Indies.  I couldn’t find any on line descriptions and I’ve never read them so I can’t help any further than throwing the name out.

  5. Teddy Pig says:

    Add a priest and change it to Austrailia and we can have a great Thorn Birds ripoff.

  6. Yeah, I was going to go the the “Mandingo” vote too.

  7. Spider says:

    Why must it be such a ow-my-eyes book?  Why not something simply outrageous?  Hofftastic, perhaps?  Or something from the air-pump category of man titty covers?

  8. L.E. Bryce says:

    Would it help if I donated some m/m outrageousness and man-tittiness?

  9. Charlene says:

    Oh, please: what could be more useful than a set of Lucha Libre bobbleheads?

  10. Philippa says:

    actually sounds like some of the Victoria Holt books I used to read.  I remember a slave revolt story in India (The Peacock Fan or similar title).  And I do remember at least one set in the Carribbean but not the details of the plot.

  11. Angelina says:



    I am pretty sure this is The India Fan by Victoria Holt. The Heroine is Drusilla and there is a stolen baby and all other crazy shit.  This has been driving me nuts. Thanks Phillipa for saying Victoria Holt, that’s when it clicked.

  12. Livvy says:

    Having, sadly, read ‘The India Fan’ numerous times, this is NOT it.  There are no West Indian slaves in TIF (the novel takes place in the Asian country of India), nor any plot lines even remotely resembling the ones Lisa named.  Sorry!  😉

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