The Simon Kernick is Awesome Photoshop Contest Entries

Ahoy, it’s Simon Kernick is Awesome Photoshop Contest time! Behold, the entries. So much awesome, all in one place.

The poll below will record your votes – and the entries, all 38 of them, are below the fold. Enjoy – so much humor, snark and groaning, all in one place.

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  1. rebyj says:

    Savage Twilight by Cassie Edwards made me LAUGH OUT LOUD just a SLIGHT bit louder than about 8 others. ALL of them are great. What a fun contest!! You gotta do more caption type contests, so many of your readers are brilliantly funny.

  2. vanessa jaye says:

    I laughed out loud at the Mel Gibson “strolling by” one, and the Michael Jackson one was sooo wrong! ::cringe:: lol. 

    But the Stephen King/Twilight is the one that looks as authentic as the original bait n switch with Dan Brown/Simon Kernick, so that got my vote. 

    Great job everyone!

  3. Lyssa says:

    My vote would have to go to The Tin Star…It is such a Louis L’Amore title. But I would have to say that Jesus H. Christ was my favorite ‘non-author’.

  4. vanessa jaye says:

    The Mel Gibson “strolling by” made me laugh out loud and the Michael Jackson one was sooooo wrong. ::cringe:: lol.

    But the Stephen King/Twilight mashup looked as authentic as the Dan Brown/Simon Kernick bait n switch so that’s what got my vote.

  5. Babs says:

    We have to pick only one?!?! These are hilarously brilliant. Kudos to all the “artists” who put these together. I am impressed by your skill and wit!

  6. ghn says:

    I expire through sheer envy at the imaginations of those whose minds conceived these.

    (Translated: I just about busted my gut laughing)

  7. Calila says:

    Great Job to everyone who entered!

    the Mel Gibson one cracked me up, as did the Chuck Norris one.

    The Micheal Jackson one was so wrong but so true, LOL.

    Jesus H. Christ was my favorite non-author too.

  8. JoanneL says:

    The contempt. The insolence. The cheek. The hilarity!
    Kudos to the entrants, hilarious, one and all.

    But Nora Roberts saying the Edwards book blows?
    I’m still laughing.

  9. Samantha says:

    So funny, thanks for the laughs!
    Loved Jesus H. Christ, especially since dad said her shit is the bomb!

  10. Shelly says:

    There are so many good ones, but Savage Twilight made me laugh out loud.  So simple but perfect.

  11. Deb Kinnard says:

    So wrong! So many levels! So FUN!

    The Cassie Edwards entries? Oh. My. Word.

  12. library addict says:

    So many good ones, but I laughed the hardest at the “Nora Roberts also has a new release…”, King pimping Twilight, Conspiracy in Death, and the Scandal one.

    Gold stars for everyone though. 

    And FTR Colin Firth was the hottest Darcy Ever!

  13. Tina C. says:

    Those were awesome.  There were 2 I wanted to vote for.  I’m sad I could only pick one.

  14. StarOpal says:

    Those were ALL awesome y’all! Now I just have to figure out how to pick just one!

  15. mingqi says:

    Loved them all!!  definitely am going to save a copy of all these covers for when i need a good laugh!

  16. Evaine says:

    Dayum, there’s a ton of cleverness there!  Well done, EVERYONE!!

  17. I’m embarrassed by how bad mine is!  *blushing*  Good job to everyone else.  I love the Louis L’Amour and Jane Austen ones.  Well done.

  18. JenD says:

    The Mel Gibson one was hilarious. The peek-a-boo photo at the bottom made me snort- so it wins my vote!

  19. Brenna says:

    What fun going through all the entries with some very hilarious covers.  Until you reach the last.  Chase’s Not Quite a Lady.  Now that was beautifully done and oh so subtle.  Not funny but so absolutely evocative of the era that if you were a Jane Austen fan, you would have bought the book right away only to find out later that it wasn’t done by Austen.

  20. So many excellent choices!  Well done, all!

  21. Lovecow2000 says:

    Loved so many of these!!  Thanks.  If I could I’d have voted for more than just one.  : (  Some of my faves are the homage to Rick Roll and the sexxorising of Barbara Cartland, but my all time favorite has to be the one that has Stephen King endorsing Twilight. Given how much King hated Twilight, the cheek of using his own words to endorse it is brilliant.

  22. CupK8 says:

    Oh my word.. The Cassie Edwards ones had me rolling!  And Bomb Sagat?! I would actually LOVE to read a book called “Full House” by him, because I know it would be hilarious.  Well done everyone!

  23. WendyC says:

    Picking one from this lot of extremely well done covers is going to be so hard. Well done you lot!

  24. caligi says:

    Hot sexxoring action = win.

  25. Lola says:

    The Penis Sword that buys the shrimp dinner pwns.  😀

  26. These are frickin hilarious.

  27. Randi says:

    I’m only allowed to pick ONE???? That is so not fair.

    there were definitely 7 that I wanted to vote for: Tempted, Set the Dark on Fire (which is the one I eventually cast my vote for), Lover Awakened (HI-LARIOUS), Hunter’s Edge, Savage Moon, Street Magic, and Scandal.

    Oh, the morning howling was delightful. Thanks everyone for your ideas.

  28. Jenns says:

    So much sheer and utter awesomeness, so hard to pick just one! Can’t we have rounds or something?
    I think I’ve gotten my daily dose of laughs – and more!

  29. ev says:

    Eenie, Meenie, Minney, Moe.


  30. S. W. Vaughn says:

    What an awesome display of awesomeness! Fantastic job, everybody!!

    It was extremely hard to pick just one. These are too funny!

  31. Mama Nice says:

    The Cassie Edwards/Stephanie Meyers were hilarious, but I loved the little “Bait and Switch” press badge on The Trojan Horse.

  32. Karenmc says:

    If you steal, steal brazenly. That’s why Savage Twilight is the best out of many.

  33. Oh so very full of win!! And yes, too hard to pick just one! The nod to Amy Winehouse (snork), the Mel Gibson—I imagine he WOULD pull his beard out if he read Lora Leigh, the “Louis L’Amour also writes westerns.” Sheer brilliance, and not only that, but sheer brilliance with a point. I hope Simon Kernick is cheering loudly out there!

  34. Sarah W says:

    I had to go with the Tom Clancy one because I swear I have seen him do that. He has the books he writes as himself and then those in his series that he “co-authors” or other people write and put his name on it. I’m sure they’d be real surprised if they bought that one!

  35. They are all great!  Too bad I could only pick one.  They all made me laugh, some more than others, but what a great job putting them all together!

  36. Elizabeth Wadsworth says:

    These are all hysterical, but the Dashiell Hammett/Nora Roberts one gets my vote.  Just the idea of a couple of fictional characters endorsing a novel strikes me as particularly surreal.

  37. Lizzie (greeneyed fem) says:

    I love The Tin Star cover—seamless photoshopping work, and the “Louis L’Amour also wrote Westerns” is hilarious.

    I think my favorite is Savage Moon, though. “For Stephenie Meyer fans who like stories about Indians” is so perfect: an oily marketing line married to a kind-of double slam against both Meyer and Edwards. Amazing.

  38. kaetchen says:

    I *loved* the implication that the only being(s) with enough starpower to outshine Nora Roberts are Jesus H. Christ (and his dad). That one made me giggle!

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