Smart Bitches Bootleg Booksigning - with Beer!

Bootleg signing

Despite my best efforts, we were not permitted to sign Beyond Heaving Bosoms at the Literacy Signing on Wednesday Night at RWA national in DC. I am so incredibly bummed about that decision, not only because it would have been one of the few events that we would both attend but because we know there are a ton of DC Bitches readers who would have come out and thereby raised a pretty good amount of money for literacy.

So, we’ll do it anyway. The Smart Bitches Bootleg Booksigning – with Beer – will be at 3:00 pm on Thursday 16 July, Location TBA.

There’s a widget below to register for a text-message group that will alert you when the location is determined, or you can text the word “BOOTLEG” to 68398 and I’ll hook you up with the details as soon as I get them. It’ll be in our room, and there will be Bosoms, Bitches (two of them – a rare event!), with Beer.

Cost per book: $15 – CASH OR CHECKS ONLY PLEASE. We purchased the books using our author discount but we will be donating the entirety of the money raised, including the cost of the books. All proceeds will benefit First Book (Charity Navigator Rating: Four Stars) which provides new books to disadvantaged children in the US and Canada. Since all of us remember the first romance we ever read, we figure we could pass along that important first book by donating all proceeds to our book signing to this DC-based literacy organization.

I hope all our DC-area readers will come on by to meet us Bitches, buy some Bosoms, drink some Beer, and support literacy and help folks discover their favorite books.

Group text messaging by Tatango.

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  1. I wish I were going to RWA so I could join the bootleg events! I hope you sell out!


  2. Renee says:

    I am really bummed! I’ll be attending the pro-workshop at that time. 🙁

  3. I really want to go… but that tatango thingy doesn’t seem to like non-US-based phone numbers. I enter my number, and never get the text back with the PIN. 🙁

    Hopefully I’ll run into one of you, or someone else who’s in the know, before Thursday afternoon!

  4. Amy says:

    Oh!  I might be able to get to this!  Dumbarse question, though—can we bring our own copies to have signed?  I have had mine since the week it was first released, and I’m a proud fan. 

    *end brown-nosing*

  5. Abby says:

    How late will you all be there?

  6. Hey Sarah, it might be me, but i can get the widget to take my info.

  7. katiebabs says:

    What type of beer?

  8. SB Sarah says:

    Hey folks: I’m sorry the widget isn’t working. Does it tell you what the problem is? You can also text the word “bootleg” to 68398 and you’ll be added to the news list for the room location.

    Amy Yes, you can absolutely bring your own copy to the signing. Please come by!

    Katiebabs re:beer. Haven’t bought it yet. Got a request?

    Maureen What?! Bastards! I’m sorry. Have you tried texting to the number with the keyword? If that doesn’t work, email me at sarahATsmartbitchestrashybooksDOTcom and put ROOM LOCATION in the subject – I’ll hook you up when I have a location.

  9. sarah, it’s not giving me a message-it’s just not letting me enter the info.  I put in S, then H, but the S disappears when I put in H, and H disappears when I enter I, and the same with the phone number…???

  10. lustyreader says:

    bootlegging is what all the cool kids do this days anyways.

    as one of your devoted DC readers I will try try try my hardest to get out of work early, but I’m already taking off early Wednesday for the literacy signing.

    hope y’all have a good trip out here, see you soon!

  11. SB Sarah says:

    That’s really odd. REALLY odd. If you’d like to email me your call, I can add you manually. WTF, tatango?

  12. Katiebabs says:

    I’m a Bud Light type of girl but many prefer Miller or Corona.
    Hmmmm beer…

  13. Tammy says:

    I didn’t have any problems signing up.  I typed my name, then ten-digit phone number using xxx-xxx-xxxx format, including dashes.  Received PIN code on my cell, entered it, and things look clean from this end. 

    I hope you’ll be hanging out for a bit?  I will be able to make it around 4:00 and will DEFINITELY be ready for a cold one.

  14. Patty H. says:

    Signed up no problem.  Will it look bad if I roll into a workshop late, reeking of beer, with a lovely signed copy of the Smart Bitches book in hand?

  15. Janet W says:

    Is there a snail mail address if a person wanted to make a donation to this great cause? No need (for me at least) to link up book … just think that’s a great concept … I think I read somewhere that Dolly Parton gives books to gazillions of kids in her neck of the woods. As great as libraries are and I love ‘em, there’s something about owning your own.

  16. SB Sarah says:

    Janet: That’s really cool of you. You can definitely donate to First Book through their website. It is similar to Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, which is also and international organization for childhood literacy through book gifts, and both are amazing programs.

  17. Jan says:

    I will also be at the PRO retreat until 4 or 4:30. Can stop by later if all is still rolling. Will bring my copy for famed author autographs. Can’t wait to meet you both. I’ll try to sign up for the phone thingy – not very phone literate.

  18. Since we’re bootlegging, can we call this the Smart Bitch Speakeasy?  I’ll bring the bathtub gin if you bring the awesome(ness).

    Looking forward to seeing you!!

  19. Jess Granger says:

    Ooh ooh, I want to go!  I LOVED the book, and I happen to love beer.  The darker and maltier the better.  *shudders with pleasure*

  20. Maya says:

    What was the reason given for not allowing you to attend?  With book in hand, aren’t you by definition an author?

  21. Rebecca says:

    Alas, I am not receiving anything either – and I’m in DC.
    I’d love to meet you!

  22. SB Sarah says:

    If the text thing ain’t working, and you want to know the location, please email me sarahATsmartbitchestrashybooksDOTcom with BOOTLEG in the subject line, and I’ll get you the deets via reply.

  23. That would have been a blast! My sister is an agent and she never makes it sound this fun! 🙂

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