Jewel of Medina Finds New Publisher

Thank you to the many people who forwarded me this article: The Jewel of Medina has a new publisher, according to the AP, the NY Times, and the Guardian. Independent British publishing house Gibson Square will publish the book in October in English.

Gibson Square, according to their website, “specialises in books that are able to contribute to a current debate. Each title is supported by a vigorous marketing campaign to provide a broad platform for the book and its ideas in the booktrade.”

I’m still trying to battle my way through my copy of the ARC. To be honest, it’s not easy reading, as the narrative seems to hover on the edge of impending disaster in the form of impetuous decision making by a heroine who longs to be a warrior while simultaneously pining for a man, who is not Mohammed, to come and rescue her from her impending marriage.

Mohammed, however, is a marvelous, marvelous figure in this book. I haven’t made up my mind on the portrayal of Aisha, but in the first fifth of the book, Mohammed, he rules.


The Link-O-Lator

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  1. Wolf says:

    Good for them! I’ll keep an eye out for it, simply to purchase it to rub in Randomn House’s face.

  2. Tibbles says:

    Am in agreement with first person who posted. Will buy just to show Random House they shouldn’t be like that.  Random House needs to publish not deny.

  3. Randi says:


  4. Katie says:

    And that is why many sensible people don’t bother to make large protesting pronouncements about the filth/immorality of a book: the protests create interest, which probably increases visibility of the book, which then probably bumps up sales a LOT.

  5. Ziggy says:

    Looking forward to your review Sarah!

  6. Popin says:

    Can’t wait to read your review Sarah!

  7. karmelrio says:

    Completely OT, but every time I see the title of this book I get a massive Tone Loc “Funky Cold Medina” earworm.

  8. HelenB says:

    karmelrio – I do wish you had’nt said that. Cannot get the damn tune out of my head now!

  9. Ruth says:

    The book has a US publisher now. Beaufort Books has also bought (optioned? what’s the right word?) the sequel.

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