Links: Binge-Watching, Introverts, & Pasta

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.It’s Wednesday! Does anyone else need a nap? Because I know I do. So I think we should all just quickly read through some links and then have a bit of a lie down. What do you think?

Enjoy binge watching but also like to be super organized? Well let me introduce you to BingeClock:

We’ve all marathonned a sitcom or two. A courtroom drama. A sci-fi anthology series. Star WarsHarry PotterLord of the Rings. A talk show. Lost.But how long does it really take? How much time to watch them all? Use the search bars below to find out! Here you’ll find all the resources you need for your next adventure in front of the tube..

BingeClock also lets you keep track of everything you’ve watched! I’ll most definitely be using this.

Organization Academy A note from Sarah: Hey! Remember the course I mentioned that I was building?

Here’s a quick recap: for the past year I’ve been working on a new project, inspired in part by a series of posts I wrote for SBTB about organizing using Google Calendar.

After a lot of research and development, I’m about to open registration for the inaugural Organization Academy online course, Menu Planning Mastery. 

Menu Planning Mastery contains step-by-step instructions to help you automate your meal planning. Specifically, I’m aiming to make sure you always know the answer when someone asks you, “What’s for dinner?”

If you’d like to be among the first to know when registration opens, please enter your email address below!  I’ll also send you weekly tips and step-by-step instructions with specific organization and time management strategies:

Please sign up if you’d like information about the course when registration opens.

My goal is to help you gain more control of your time and your schedule so you have less of that can’t-catch-up, overwhelmed feeling we all dislike so much, and instead have more time to read. (That should be the slogan on a Facebook ad or something, shouldn’t it? “More time to read? I’ll tell you how!”)

Thank you in advance!

Big thanks to Reader Rebecca for sending us this video on “How to Care for Your Introvert”:

A pair of introverts is called an ‘awkward’. A group of introverts is called an ‘angst’. They’re generally never found together in the wild, except by accident, in which case they will apologize for making eye contact, nod politely, then run screaming in opposite directions.

Shout out to all of my fellow introverts! Or rather, a polite nod without making eye contact to my fellow introverts.

Like pasta? Well let me introduce you to one of my new favorite blogs: Fancy Pasta Bitch.

Why is this happening?

Honestly, I can’t remember the exact impetuous for this hobby. I spend a lot of time on and perhaps I stumbled upon a pasta maker that way.

I do remember, following 45’s theft of the American presidency, realizing it might be good to develop another skill or hobby to kill time. Pasta likely came to mind because I fucking love pasta. Also, carbs are comforting.

On March 15th I bought my pasta machine and then I began making some pasta. Here is that pasta.

The blog also makes pasta-making incredibly approachable and is slowly inspiring me to give it try!

Searching for more places to get your book recommendations? Meet Book Match, where you can find books by theme, representation in terms of marginalized communities, tropes, and more.

Leah and Bea Koch of The Ripped Bodice recently released a diversity report and The New York Times did some coverage on it. I promise that it’s good this time:

Beverly Jenkins, a prolific author of historical and contemporary romantic suspense, is not surprised. “It’s indicative of every major industry, regardless of whether it’s publishing, academics, finance or government,” said Ms. Jenkins, who is black, in an interview earlier this week. “It’s a sign of how America treats people of color.”

There are some amazing quotes from people in the industry, but the whole thing is worth a read.

And something to brighten your day. Here is the best cosplay (Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur) from New York Comic Con:

Don’t forget to share what super cool things you’ve seen, read, or listened to this week! And if you have anything you think we’d like to post on a future Wednesday Links, send it my way!

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  1. Kate says:

    I would very much like to have a lie down!

    Another great pasta YouTube series I recently discovered is Pasta Grannies

  2. Lostshadows says:

    I definitely need a nap, but that’s mostly due to trying to rearrange my sleep cycle at the last minute yesterday.

  3. Ren Benton says:

    I just got up from a nap. \(~ O ~`)/

    I feel like 2% less of a freak since finding Introvert, Dear:

    For every “zomg, why are you like this,” there’s a “please refer to this explanatory article because my aggressive, judgmental socialization cap has been reached for this month and my provider has cut me off, kthxbai.”

  4. Susan says:

    I need a nap most every day, so I’m not a good barometer of anything. But thank you for How to Care for Your Introvert and Introvert, Dear.

    Sadly, Fancy Pasta Bitch caused me to experience a disproportionate level of rage with this: “Honestly, I can’t remember the exact impetuous for this hobby.” Impetuous? And it went downhill from there. Gong. But that’s me.

  5. Christine says:

    I was just thinking that I need a nap… get out of my brain!

  6. Maite says:

    BingeClock, BookMatch, How to Care for Your Introvert and Introvert Dear. How am I gonna find the time for it all?

    hey, maybe if I automatesomething…

  7. Zyva says:

    Re: introverts (or laterally related (?))

    – -This won’t suit everyone, because Austen was not a gateway into historical romance fandom for the hosts. Their emphasis is on Austen’s comic realism, personal growth arcs, etc. (My summarisation and phrasing.) Criticism of the romance arc and/or the behaviour of romantic hero/ines is fairly harsh – and light-hearted, because it’s far from being the aspect that appeals to them the most. – –

    That caveat given, I was blown away by the First Impressions Podcast – – with its zoom-in inside view on characters with social anxiety. (A host’s diagnosis, but I’ve lived it and can see it too.): Darcy in “Pride and Prejudice”. Fanny Price in “Mansfield Park”.

  8. […] from Smart Bitches. And more linkity from Smart Bitches. And […]

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