Help A Bitch Out - SOLVED!

Help a Bitch Out: It’s My Turn!

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In the 90’s I read a category romance, likely something that someone bought for me. I can’t remember the title or the authors name (what else is new?) but here are the details:

1. The heroine meets the hero when she buys a red sportscar from him – a Thunderbird, complete with hood logo. She’s an older woman with a teenage daughter, and the heroine is busy reinventing herself – hence sportscar.

2. The hero is younger, of Scots descent and a regular in the Highland games. He definitely tosses a caber – in both senses, baby, yeah.

3. The heroine’s daughter teases her mom (they have a healthy relationship, wtf?) and says the future children should be called Mac Nuggets. I think “Mac” was part of his name, but I could be wrong.

Anyone remember this book?


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  1. Brandy says:

    The books title is Heaven Sent, written by Regan Forest.
    It was a Harlequin Temptation published November of 1988.
    (Please excuse a shy lurker for intruding, but I KNEW this one!)

  2. SB Sarah says:

    Brandy! Way to go! Smart Bitch Titleâ„¢ coming your way asap!

  3. Brandy says:

    In case you wanted the description:

    No Rocking Chair for her.
    Susan Hancock’s life wasn’t over yet! Though she’d spent her first forty-two years being responsible-building a business, raising a child-she had no intention of gracefully fading into old age. And replacing her suburban wagon with a bright red Trans Am was her first blow for freedom. Dating the Trans Am’s owner was her second.

    “Mac” MacGregor was, according to Susan’s smitten daughter, “an awesome hunk”-and a young one at that. But in spite of raised eyebrows, Susan felt reborn. The age difference didn’t matter, she thought. That is, until Mac began planning for their future…..

  4. Erin says:

    “…her first blow for freedom…”


  5. nitenurse says:

    Hey us stationwagon drivers need to break free eventually…

  6. Yvonne says:

    I must have this one!

  7. Yvonne says:

    Holy Cripeys! I was looking for that title and look at this cover I found:


  8. SonomaLass says:

    A Trans Am?  Dang, I was all hot and bothered over it being a T-bird.

    Oh well, at least “Mac” is really a Scotsman.

    Erin, good call on “her first blow for freedom”—so THAT’s what you have to do!

  9. Leah says:

    Hey, Trans Ams were hot—back in the ‘80’s!  My high school sweetheart (now my DH) drove a black one.  Believe it or not, his dad bought it for him because he thought it would help him to get girls (yeah, his dad is a moron).  And before you say anything, I wanted to go out with him because he was smart and had luxurious black hair—yeah, I was a deep one!  (btw, the hair—gone)


    spaminator—working39 (try 41!)

  10. Sarah Frantz says:

    Oh, I totally read this one, too! I couldn’t have named it, but I was going, “Yes!  Yes!” just like Meg Ryan as I read the description!

  11. SB Sarah says:

    The title has NOTHING to do with the plot, does it? Makes it hard to find!

  12. Jaie says:

    Sarah, I’d also like to suggest that anytime the amazing reader skills up here fail, ask everyone at I’ve seen them name titles on very little information. I understand there’s also a romance version, but I’m not on it myself.

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