RECOMMENDED: How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole is $2.99! Shana read this one and gave it a B:
How to Find a Princess is an imaginative twist on a modern lost royal trope, and a character-driven story that made me fall in love with everyone I met, even if they occasionally frustrated me.
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Dragon Storm by Katie MacAlister is $1.99! This is part of the Dragon Fall series and, as you could have guessed, features a dragon hero. I feel like MacAlister is a YMMV author. The tone is too over the top for me, but it may work for some people to have some goofy paranormal romance right now.
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SERIES SALE: Forever Wolf by Maria Vale is $2.99! I love this series and this is the last book in the trilogy. Vale does some inventive things with werewolf/shifter mythology and the sense of place is incredibly detailed. Reading out of order is possible, but I wouldn’t recommend it. Lucky for you, the first book is FREE and the second is only $1.99!
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RECOMMENDED: Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly is $2.99! This is a Kindle Daily Deal, so if you missed the sale a couple months ago, you have a second chance. Carrie read this one and really loved it, giving it an A. However, she warns of a cliffhanger, which means you might want to get the next book ASAP.
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Fly With Me by Chanel Cleeton is $1.99! This is a contemporary romance and the first book in the Wild Aces series. Readers say that anyone who had a love for Top Gun growing up pretty much needs to buy this book. However, some felt the ending was a bit abrupt. It has a 4-star rating on Goodreads.
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The Trouble with Harry by Katie MacAlister is $1.99! This is a historical romance with a spy hero who has five children, and a heroine hiding her identity. Readers loved the humor, especially the crazy kids wreaking havoc on the household. However, some found the circumstances to be a little silly. Have you read this one?
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Happy Sunday, everyone! We’re back with some pretty great Lightning Reviews from Elyse and Carrie. We have nonfiction, a cute contemporary romance set at a renaissance fair, and mixture of urban fantasy and romance!
Blackbirds by Chuck Wendig is $2.99! This is urban fantasy about a woman, Miriam Black, who knows when everyone is going to die. She gets tangled up with a dude whose death foretells her own, and tries to stop it. It’s dark, gritty, violent urban fantasy, not terribly romantic but much praised by some readers. The rest of the series is currently on sale for $2.99 each!
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RECOMMENDED: Someone Else’s Love Story is Joshilyn Jackson’s newest novel, and it’s $1.99! Jackson is a tremendously talented writer, and a few of you really enjoyed this book the last time it was on sale, so let’s all hope for a price-matching miracle. But be warned: judging from some of the reviews, I want to add a trigger warning for assault that doesn’t seem to be hinted at in the cover copy. The book was also talked about in a previous podcast with Sarah and Jane.
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Dragon Fall by Katie MacAlister is $1.99! This book was picked by Sarah and Elyse in July’s Hide Your Wallet. It’s also the first book in the Black Dragons series. Some readers took some issue with the heroine, finding her dialogue to be a little juvenile. However, others loved Katie’s usual blend of humor and romance. Have you read this one?
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BIG WARNING: You need to put your wallet, your credit cards, even your spare change, in a safe to which you do not know the combination to. It’s a steep month, ya’ll!