Tag Archives: desserts!

RedHeadedGirl’s Historical Kitchen: Floating Island

Back in the mists of time, lo these many months ago, for the Movie Matinee, we watched The Desk Set with Katherine Hepburn and some guy who recognized he was only barely worthy of her awesomeness. But we’ve already talked about that. Featured in The Desk Set is a dessert called “Floating Island,” and the other Bitches challenged me to make it. As it so happens, I have a friend (Abigail, who has featured here before) … Continue reading RedHeadedGirl’s Historical Kitchen: Floating Island

RedHeadedGirl’s Historical Kitchen: Dulcia Domestica

“Dulcia Domestica” translates from Latin into “a home-made sweet” and what’s better than a home-made sweet when spring is here – according to the calendar – but is sitting in its room saying it won’t come out until it’s good and ready. This spring is like a toddler, I swear. Anyway, this is a Roman sweet from Apicius that I’ve made many many times, and brought it to the last meetup of the Boston Bitchery, … Continue reading RedHeadedGirl’s Historical Kitchen: Dulcia Domestica