Tag Archives: chuck tingle
Books On Sale

Horror, Magic, & More

Books on Sale: Long Live Evil by Sarah Rees Brennan & More

RECOMMENDED – Sarah bursts in and says, “OH HOT DIGGITY: Long Live Evil is $2.99!” This book came out on 27 August and was a bestseller in the UK and in the US. It was recommended by both Bree Bridges and me in the Rrrrromantasy panel I moderated this weekend for Northern Hearts, AND by Courtney Milan in this week’s podcast episode.

I read this over the summer, and got a sunburn because I forgot where I was (outside, in a pool) and how long I’d been reading (awhile) and, well, I was so engrossed forgot that I’m White and I need sunscreen every 90 minutes to 2 hours. OOPS. It’s absorbing and powerful and adventurous and so emotional.

TW/CW include: cancer, medical trauma, and also, because villainy, violence, gore, and some murdering.

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Hide Your Wallet

Hide Your Wallet: July 9th Release Week!

Happy Tuesday! Hide those wallets because we’re about to discuss new book releases hitting shelves this week! Not all of these are coming out today; some are out later in the week. Be sure to check those pub dates, just in case you’re hoping to see them on your ereader this morning. What books are you excited for this week? Let us know in the comments!

Books On Sale

Magical Realism, Mystery, & More

Books on Sale: Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle & More

Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle is $2.99! This is Chuck’s first full-length novel. Carrie gave this a C+:

Even though I didn’t enjoy this book completely, I think the author (who I admit to shamelessly adoring in general) has a lot of potential in terms of this kind of full-length work. It has a big heart and a lot of arresting scenes (I won’t forget that fly vomit any time soon). It will work best for horror fans who don’t mind body horror, flies, worms, and surrealism. I will be reading the next full-length Chuck Tingle book for sure.

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Books On Sale

Highlights from Today’s KDD

Books on Sale: Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle & More

Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle is $2.99! This is Chuck’s first full-length novel. Carrie gave this a C+:

Even though I didn’t enjoy this book completely, I think the author (who I admit to shamelessly adoring in general) has a lot of potential in terms of this kind of full-length work. It has a big heart and a lot of arresting scenes (I won’t forget that fly vomit any time soon). It will work best for horror fans who don’t mind body horror, flies, worms, and surrealism. I will be reading the next full-length Chuck Tingle book for sure.

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Book Review

Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle

Camp Damascus

Camp Damascus is a full-length novel by Chuck Tingle. Chuck Tingle is famous for writing many, many erotic and humorous short stories and novellas, and he is beloved for including rather pointed social commentary in these stories and for a social media presence in which he celebrates all kinds of love. For an idea of his short work, check out my review of Oppressed in the Butt by my Inclusive Holiday Coffee Cups or listen … Continue reading Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle

Hide Your Wallet

Hide Your Wallet: July 18th Release Week!

Welcome back to Hide Your Wallet, where we caution you to secret away any means of spending as we unleash a deluge of new releases! We have a few fantasy romance and horror titles coming out this week, which personally makes me a very happy reader. We also have series continuations and a monster romance. What are you looking forward to this week? Let us know!

Links: Chuck Tingle, Failures, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Hey there! Hello! It’s a slow site day, so we’re bringing you Wednesday Links bright and early. Some updates here: at SBTB HQ, we gathering together to play some Dungeons & Dragons. Elyse’s wonderful husband has volunteered to DM and I’m so excited to play again. I will be playing a dwarven fighter named Wilhelmina “Willa” Bronzeblade, who is just happy to be here! As of right now, we don’t have any plans to turn … Continue reading Links: Chuck Tingle, Failures, & More

Links: Library Stuff and Romance Events

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Welcome back to Wednesday Links! I loved hearing about the video games you’re all playing! I beat the storyline of Super Mario Odyssey over the weekend. Now I’ll just be collecting hundreds upon hundreds of moons! I have plans to go to the Cape with my partner this weekend and I hope I can turn my brain off for a few days and just nap in the sun. The heat is a constant, though, I know it’ll … Continue reading Links: Library Stuff and Romance Events

Links: Biscuits, History, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Happy Wednesday! We’re in April! Whoa! Will I celebrate another pandemic birthday? Who knows! But I will be fully vaccinated by then and I will walk my happy ass to the grocery store and buy a bakery sheet cake with ALL THE BUTTERCREAM. I also had my first eyebrow wax and haircut in over a year and I nearly cried. We’re almost there, friends! … Loved this profile on the Wikipedia editors who are dedicating … Continue reading Links: Biscuits, History, & More

Links: Podcasts, Olympics, & Star Wars

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

It’s Wednesday! And Boston’s weather is having a moment. The high is 69 today (nice), but we’re due for snow tomorrow. I just came back from a rather relaxing reading retreat and it’s a struggle to drag myself to the gym. What I’m trying to say is that my life is all over the place and I hope your Wednesday is faring better. … Reminder! Our Movie Matinee Broadcast News discussion will be occurring this … Continue reading Links: Podcasts, Olympics, & Star Wars

Links: Roaches, Scifi, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

It’s time for Wednesday Links, where we show you some interesting things we’ve found on the internet lately. Some are funny. Some are weird. But we still hope you’re able to find a nice break in your day! … If you’re looking to buy your loved one (or yourself) a unique gift this Valentine’s Day, why not name a cockroach at the Bronx Zoo! You even get a special certificate! Other packages include roach socks, … Continue reading Links: Roaches, Scifi, & More