Tag Archives: caroline stevermer
Books On Sale

Lots of YA!

Books on Sale: Bonds of Brass by Emily Skrutskie & More

RECOMMENDED: Bonds of Brass by Emily Skrutskie is $2.99! Ellen read this one and gave it a B+:

I think it has elements to satisfy a wide reading audience: a sizzling slow-burn romance between people with actual significant obstacles to their relationship, a sweeping and epic plot about the rise and fall of empires, gut-wrenching internal character conflict, and wacky space hijinks.

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Books On Sale

A Boxed Set, Historical Mystery, & More

Books on Sale: Sword Stone Table by Swapna Krishna & More

Sword Stone Table edited by Swapna Krishna and Jenn Northington is $1.99! Catherine reviewed this one and gave it a B:

If you like twists on the King Arthur stories, if you enjoy fantasy and science fiction, and if you like more POC and queer people in your stories, I think you will enjoy Sword, Stone, Table. But if you are coming into this as a romance reader, please do be aware that while there are plenty of happy endings in this book, there are quite a few tragedies as well. Which, after all, reflects the source material.

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Books On Sale

Boxed Sets, Socialites, & More

Books on Sale: Best of Luck by Kate Clayborn & More

Best of Luck by Kate Clayborn is 99c! This is the third and final book in the Chance of a Lifetime series, which has had several favorably comments from the Bitchery. The hero in this one is the brother of the heroine’s best friend, if that is or isn’t your catnip.

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Hide Your Wallet

April’s New Releases, Part One

If you’re new to Hide Your Wallet, this is where we list new releases we’re pretty excited for in the coming month. Each reviewer has a book maximum (five per person), but we’ve separated HYW into two parts. The first HYW of the month will cover books that release from the 1st to the 14th. The second HYW will cover books released from the 15th to the end of the month. We also think this … Continue reading April’s New Releases, Part One

Books On Sale

Paranormal Romance, Recommended Fantasy, & More

Books on Sale: Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo & More

Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo is $3.99! This deal could poof at any moment because it was one of the biggest releases of last year and could be a Kindle Daily Deal leftover. This is Bardugo’s first adult fantasy novel and I want to warn of some graphic depictions of violence and body horror. The first chapter or so should give you a good picture on what you can/can’t handle.

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Books On Sale

New Adult, Magic, & More

Books on Sale: Jade City by Fonda Lee & More

Jade City by Fonda Lee is $2.99! This adult fantasy novel incredibly violent, according to reviews. But readers loved the world building and threads of mythology weaved into the story. To be honest, the book sounds intense and awesome. It has a 3.9-star rating on Goodreads.

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